Categories: CrossFit


That’s right kids, I freaking did it. Did what you ask?
Couldn’t you hear me screaming in triumph from @CrossFitCanuck? Today, on this
15th of May, Beez linked Double Unders.  That’s right, I gave a big F-U to my
inability to do more than one of those little Rope hoping bastards (sorry about
the language). With the tip @jonokim11 gave me about shortening the Rope, I was
able to finally able to find a little rhythm and start putting them together.
Now I still have lots of work to do, but at least there is PROGRESS!

First off, Happy Birthday to Iron Anne and because it’s her
special day, we all got to take the Bull by the horns. Clever word-play? Nope,
today’s WOD was called Bull.

400m Run
25 Double Unders

I got to the box a bit early today because I was at an
offsite presentation and I got to see Tavia try her hand at the WOD.  She was working at RX and even she had to dig
really deep.  I’m proud of you Tavia
(especially because I got to push you a bit. It was a nice reversal), you kept
working and got into the second 1600m Run before capping out.

2 Rounds for Time (45 minute CAP)
200 Double Unders
50 OHS (@65lbs)
50 Pull-ups (Green Band)
1600m Run

Double Unders took FOR-Freaking-EVER. I spent a lot of time
doing them, but I did attempt them. I got to the OHS and I worked hard to keep
my heels down and it was harder than you might think. I was working at 65lbs
which is a PR, but I didn’t get below parallel.
Tavia said I was at parallel which is a huge improvement. Again, still
more work to do.

For the first time ever I forgot to take pictures of the
board (I will chalk this up to having to rush home because Momma C was
visiting), but I know where I stood. I finished 1 full round and 150 Double
Unders. So that’s 350 plus the 25 in the Warm-up. I worked on some hip mobility
but something tightened up in my right glute/hamstring on the Warm-up andi
couldn’t shake it. 

Let’s see if I survive to WOD again tomorrow…


ps german catt, while the CFL is good, it’s not one of the MAJOR sports. NFL, MLB, NHL and sometimes NBA…


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