Holy Birthday WODs this week Batman. As the week wound down
it was our own @SarahBassels who was celebrating another turn of the calendar. Birthday
= Birthday WOD @CrossFitCanuck and clearly someone needs to wear glasses when
read them at 530am (that would be this guy). Why glasses? Well I missed the
Burpee section of the WOD and it was a most unpleasant surprise. The best
surprise of the day was @SarahBassels making it to the #530Crew class to do her
favorite WOD with us… Get ready kiddies, Grace is on deck.
Warm-up ‘A’
Shuttle Run
3 Rounds Of
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Warm-up ‘B+’
3 Jump Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Drop Snatch
3 Sots Press
5 Duck Walk (Forward)
5 Duck Walk (Backward)
3 Bounces
Now today’s lead-up to the WOD was the most complicated that
I’ve ever encountered. We would be working on a Squat Clean Ladder with (gasp!)
Burpees over Bar between attempts EMOM. Wowza. So with a running clock this is
how it went down. Every minute we would perform 5 Burpees and then attempt the
Squat Clean at the required weight. If we hit it then you have the remaining
time to change your weights and get ready for the next minute. If not, then you
keep the attempted weight and go into AMRAP Deadlifts (while still doing the
Burpees in between). Men’s RX ladder went like this, 45 – 95 – 145 – 175 – 185 –
195 – 205 – 215. I forgot to mention, you keep doing Deadlifts until everyone
has failed 2 attempts at the same weight.
Did you get all that? Well shockingly 1 managed to get to
the 185lb Squat Clean (actually almost scared myself), but failed 2 attempts at
195lbs. After that it was 12 Deadlifts at that weight.
Grace (For Time)
30 Clean and Jerks (@135lbs)
Queue up the AWESOME SAUCE! Holy crap the #530Crew brought
the noise with @girmantitov knocking Grace out in 2m38s and @SarahBassels
taking 27s off her previous PR. Coach Jillian and @SarahBassels seemed to be
really excited about my time (and to be honest I was internally doing the
Conga). When we did Grace in January I finished
in 6m18s working at 45lbs (Bare Bar). Today I finished in 5m52s working at
10 Chest to Bar (Green Band)
10 Ring Dips
This is actually my last WOD for a week (eek), but Jillian
will be happy because after spending the long weekend at Cottage de KeilWard I will
be headed to Grove City to purchase some new duds. This means the Yellow Sammy’s
Garage shirts are being RETIRED! I will
be looking spiffy.