Categories: CrossFit

Don’t Turn Off The Lights!

Because if you do, the Wallballs get FREAKY and Multiply!!!

Well it’s just a theory. The other was the Wallball Fairy
stopped by @CrossFitCanuck, but let’s be honest the first theory was more fun.
It’s a Daily Double Monday for me and I would complain, but 5 members of the
#530Crew were Canucks that competed YESTERDAY. You guys are absolute machines,
because all I did was wield the camera and scream and my body wanted no part of

Warm-up ‘A’
800m Row
2 Rounds of
5 Burpees
10 Inch Worms (With a Push-up)
15 Lunges

Warm-up ‘B+’
3 Jump Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Drop Snatch
3 Sots Press
5 Duck Walk (Forward)
5 Duck Walk (Backward)
3 Bounces

I started the Warm-up fine but somehow I got crunched for
time near the end and didn’t have a lot of time to get my shoulders warm.  Not that it matters in the least, because out
of everything my shoulders just don’t seem to recover.  It doesn’t matter what I do, they are
crispier for longer than anything else. It must be the way I’m sleeping or
sitting at work.  Either way with the
full lineup on today’s schedule they would get hot… quickly.

5 minute EMOM
Deadlift (All Weights for Complex @105lbs)
High Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Hang Squat Clean
Push Press
Split Jerk
3 minute AMRAP of Same Movements

That was a seriously awesome start (although I still had
depth issues on the Front Squat and Hang Squat Clean) and I had good quick bar
movement on the transition from Push Press to Split Jerk.  In the AMRAP I finished 7 rounds plus 1
Deadlift. Time was running out and I could have stopped, but I dug in and got
the DL. Next up was some Back Squats and @Keilshammer and I were partnered up
on the rig.  We were working at 215lbs
and had to complete 1 set of 20 reps. WOW. I focused on getting good depth
(sound familiar) and let me tell you, 20 reps is a whole bunch.

WOD (For Time)
30 Push Press (@115)
30 Over the Box Jumps (4x45lb Plates)
30 Pull-ups (Green Band)
30 HSPU (From the Box)

By the time we made it to the end, there wasn’t a lot left
in my body.  I still have NO idea how the
folks who competed were even standing by this point.  The green band on the Pull-ups added a new
level of difficulty for me, but the challenge was outstanding. When the dust
settled, my time was 10m23s.

3xME Ring Rows
3xME Ring Dips
3 minute AMRAP MU Progressions

The Rows were good, the Dips not so much and the Progressions
were a no go. My shoulders were as hot as the surface of the sun by the time I was
done the Dips. I took a couple of minutes to collect myself then got @CADPRO00
and started through the list of homework.

10 Deep Squats (Rig)
3×20 GHD Back Extensions
2×20 Ab Mat Sit-ups
2×15 Goblet Squats (@25lbs)
Hip Stretches

And with that, my body is finished…


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