Categories: CrossFit

Deadlifting and Push Presses

Wow. There is another level of hurt going on here. The plan
Wednesday was to wake up, hop on the bike and get workout number 2 out of the
way… Fail. The last couple days I have been waking up at the normal time, but
my body has nothing in the tank to start the day with. I just feel absolutely
gassed, but as per the challenge I’ve been getting at least 7 hours a night. With
a night off from @CrossFitCanuck, I decided to make the whole day one giant
rest day.  Now besides a small deviation
with my dinner (Grazie, you are far from Gluten Free friendly FYI) the day was
a good one.

Now before I get into tonight’s WOD, there is an issue that
needs to be addressed. The Ontario government has decided to change the OHIP
coverage for PAP tests and it is not a change for the better.  Please click on the link and read (and sign)
the petition started by my friend @JessGrigg.

100 Skips
2 Rounds of
10 Beat Swings
10 Push-ups
20 Squats
10 Jump Squats
50 Skips

I actually felt really good on the Push-ups today, core nice
and tight and very little bending. We moved on to the Front Squat with some
working off the floor and others off the rack. I worked off the rack because I still
wanted to work on good form with elbows up. And 8 minute EMOM @165lbs with a 3
count pause at the bottom of the movement.


Fight Gone Bad TABATA (20s on and 10s off)
Wallball (@20lbs)
Box Jumps (Started with 4x45lb plates and moved to 3x45lb
Deadlifts (@115lbs)
Push Press (@115lbs)
Calorie Row

Every rep counts as 1 and so do every calorie.  By the time we were finished (and it felt
like a really long time) I had a total of 258 (59 calories coming on the row).
The Deadlift was my favorite movement by far and I was working next to Katie
and we had a good pace and rhythm going. The Push Press wasn’t too bad and I’m
going to try 13.2 tomorrow night so it was good to have some practice.

100 Ab Mat Sit-ups
50 Medicine Ball Sit-ups

With the next class working off the racks, I skipped the
shoulder stretches, GHD and focused on the Rope. Damn, the Rope and I are going
to have a falling out.  It is seriously
pissing me off. I’ve got the first hold and the knee ups, but the foot lock still
doesn’t feel stable. I will get it, but it wasn’t going to be tonight.


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