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Tuesday After The Phatness

Now a lot has happened since Fridays’ workout.  I will bring you up to speed and I will do my
best to keep it short, but there are no guarantees.

I woke up Saturday morning with the full intention of
getting a spin in to make up for the miss on Saturday. Something was wrong
though, not sure what it was, but my body (and head) were not right. General
body ache and a serious foggy melon, not fun times.  Went to a surprise 50th birthday
party and couldn’t even go full tilt because I was not feeling well.

Sunday morning and Phat Boy Fiesta is upon us me.  There is no getting away from the food
bonanza that occurs once a year. Phat Boy started in January 2000 after I broke
my ankle, I was stuck at home for NFL Championship weekend.  The boys came over and we watched the game
and Mom whipped up some stuff for us to chow down on.  The following year we did it again and Momma
made so much food all the guys rolled out of there stuffed. Year after year we
did it, but it evolved so that Mom didn’t have to cook for two days to get
ready for us.  Now it’s a pot luck event
where we eat for hours and watch football.

Now I broke rule number one, I loaded up on appetizers. In
previous years, the next step would be to continue eating through the mains and
desserts.  This year, knowing that I’m
trying to change my lifestyle I wrapped up my plate and had it Monday for
lunch. I did indulge in Death by Chocolate, but who could blame me for that.

Now Monday I still wasn’t feeling 100% and with some
motivation from @Leslie_Morton I almost made it on the bike. Almost. Decided
that bed before 9pm was a better idea (lame… yes I know).  Woke up this morning and got backed up and
out to the gym.  It was a great day once I
got on the treadmill.

Treadmill – 18 minutes, 227 calories, 0.99 miles
Flyes – 3×20 @125lbs
MTS Shoulder Press – 3×20 @35lbs
MTS Chest Press – 3×15 @30lbs
Seated Alternating DB Curls – 3×12 (each side) @22.5lbs
Bar Giants – 2 Reps @ 40lbs

Today was also the start of the modified meal plan and
supplements schedule.  Started off this
morning with Berry Greens+ and the gamut of drops from Eva, followed up with a
big salad for lunch and lots of veggies throughout the day. I only slipped up
once with a Lindor Chocolate.

Tomorrow’s a spin day and we’ll see if the healthy eating
can continue…



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