Categories: Exercise

1st Rule For Surviving Zombieland… Cardio

Well we have reached day eight (of the last ten) spent at
either the gym or on the spinner and the body is starting to think about
officially filing a complaint.  I just
hope that after this is all said and done the ‘new’ Beez is worth it (because I’m
not kidding when I say this blows). Sure living a long healthy life is amazing,
but there is also the school of crashing into your grave in a four wheel power
slide with a bottle of tequila and a Cuban cigar. I think it’s safe to say I’m
in for the long life variety (and I know if I don’t keep going that might not

So when the alarm (and radio) went off this morning, one of
them I slept through.  Now knowing that
tonight was going to include a Keg Classic Sirloin Dinner (and maybe a Keg Sized
Vodka), I knew that I had to get my posterior out of the warm comfortable bed
and get moving.  Now before you freak
out, first rule of the keg is cut everything in half and take it home with you
(although today included a lot of bread and Frizzled Onions).  Actually it is a pretty good way to eat out
most of the time (because seriously, if you’ve ever looked at the nutritional
information from most restaurants, one meal is a stupid percentage of your
daily intake).

I knew there were going to be issue though right out of the
gate. There was a serious case of ‘dead legs’ going on and I didn’t have enough
in the tank for a serious weights workout, so that left only one real option.
CARDIO DAY! I hit three machines for a little over an hour and just tried to
keep a nice steady pace and a decent heart rate (still didn’t bring the chest
strap… dammit).

Treadmill – 18 minutes, 225 calories and 0.97 miles
Recumbent Bike – 25 minutes, 193 calories, 6.11 miles and
‘Ski’ Elliptical – 26 minutes, 494 calories, 3.25 miles

Now as I keep trucking on, I realize that it is very
doubtful that I will be able to keep up the five day a week cycle (but I will
try for at least the next two weeks).  I
want to try and make sure that the body is ready for four days at Blue Mountain
carving the hill and for a summer that is going to be filled with lots of
cycling (and hopefully a few Duathlons). 
I’ve made it through one (mostly due to Leslie), but I think I can cut a
big chunk off my time.

Preparing to enter a red meat coma,



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