Knees to Elbow

Little Things

Big things come in small packages and today (Thursday) the @CrossFitCanuck Family got a little bit bigger.  Iron Anne gave…

11 years ago

What is Going On This Week???

So with the end of 2013 and the first few days of 2014 I’m closing out with 5 of the…

11 years ago

Sometimes You Need a Push

Fear the Beards Sometimes even I need a swift kick in the pants to get moving in the right direction.…

11 years ago

There Are NO Shortcuts

I don’t get it. Miracle diets. Lemon Detox Cleanse. Dr. Bernstein. Every fat loss muscle developing pill that’s out there…

11 years ago

Economics and Another ‘Look’

If there is a knock on CrossFit, it’s the cost of ‘branded’ merchandise. Wait, that isn’t a knock on CrossFit,…

11 years ago

It Hurts Sometimes

 Robin helping Carm after the PVC Just ask Robin! With a FULL #530Crew for the first time in forever, we…

11 years ago

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