
P90X Day 5 (Timeline +1)

Hello Bloggies I am back! Now the P90X timeline is a little skewed already. It's not badly off and I…

14 years ago

P90X Day 4

I don't even know why I bother attempting to do Yoga X. What a stupid freaking program. I'm not saying…

14 years ago

P90X Day 3

Well it's Day 3 of P90X and I officially am a bag of toys. How did it come to this?…

14 years ago

P90X Day 2

Holy crap people I forgot how much Day 1 hurts. My triceps, biceps and lats are screaming bloody murder. I…

14 years ago

P90X Day 1

Yes Ladies and Gents, you read that right. P90X Day 1. I was going to start last week, but after…

14 years ago

It’s All Connected… Who Knew…

Well here we are, March 1, 2011. 21 days until I cross a threshold. Lots of years behind and hopefully…

14 years ago

Just Keep Swimming…

Well how about that... a 2nd session of the day. Wardy arrived at Chez Chocolate after a harrowing day of…

14 years ago

Traffic Jams and Treadmills?

Well lookie, lookie... Beez is up on time (well, ok 10 minutes late) and headed to get dressed, get my…

14 years ago

Well I Sure Didn’t Want to Spin…

Well Folks, it's Wednesday evening and you haven’t heard from me in a view days. There has been a lot…

14 years ago

Signs of Life on a Friday

Happy Friday morning Ladies and Gentlemen! The alarm went off at 5:55am this morning and let me tell you the…

14 years ago

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