
#BigBrnzChallenge February 2020

Happy 2020!

Did you enjoy your time off?

Well it’s time to shake off the holiday turkey and get back to business.  Welcome to the #BigBrnzChallenge for February 2020! Are you excited? Nervous? Terrified? What will the extra sauce be this month? Hmm (picture me in a very stoic pose)… It has to be something new and exciting, don’t you think? Something we haven’t done before. Oh, and a lot of them…

Drum Roll Please…

Deadlifts… Sort of…

The #BigBrnzChallenge for February 2020 is 1,000 Single Leg Deadlifts! That’s 500 per side for those playing at home and you can choose whatever weight you would like. I would recommend that you don’t use anything heavier than 50lbs unless you are in tip top training shape. Remember to keep your planted leg with a soft knee (not locked out) and to fully engage your core. Keep a flat back, arms straight, glutes squeezed (is that a thing?) and remember to squeeze those shoulder.

As always, stay focused and don’t leave them all for the last few days.   The single leg deadlift works a ton of muscles including, hamstrings, glutes, quads, hips and core (among others).  Shoot to hit a consistent number every week and bear in mind that February is a short month.

Goodluck! Don’t forget to post your progress photos and tag them with #BigBrnzChallenge and #itBrnz to be featured in the gallery (**Instagram posts from public accounts).



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