Categories: CrossFitExercise

Catch Up

Running Action Shot with @SavannahJessie
Sunday (Aug 2) – Brace yourself, I am way
behind with the posts and now that I’ve completed the required domestic duties
and puttering for the weekend… IT’S SHOWTIME (to quote Jim Carey as the Mask)! So
let’s rewind to the last days in Saskatchewan. @Savannahjessie has thrown down
another running challenge to kick start our wedding preparation and today was
go day. 100KM for the 30 days starting August 2nd.  It was because of this challenge, that she
got the two of us out first thing in the morning for a run.
After my first attempt at running out here,
we changed our route and headed down what I thought was a quiet country road.
First it was like walking through the plagues that Moses brought down on the
Egyptians, grasshoppers EVERYWHERE. Once we got passed them, we found ourselves
on a long steep downhill route. What do you get when you have a downhill
course? You have a big uphill on the return route. Ugh.
The best part of this run though, was that
in order to reach our distance, we had to run up the other side of the bowl we
had chosen.  In order to make this a
little bit more of a challenging workout, we agreed to do 10 Squats at any
point we turned around.
We covered 3.12KM in 27m10s (mostly because
of the brutal hills) with a pace of 8m43s/KM.
Garmin says that I burned 301 calories with an average heart rate of
142BPM (maxing at 171BPM).  This run was
really hot and I’m pretty sure that is the reason for the elevated heart rate.
Striking data is unavailable again because of the shoes. We also completed 30 Squats.
We are headed back to Ontario tomorrow (Aug
3) and it’s back to the CrossFit and Canuck Lite programs @CrossFitCanuck.  Hopefully the return won’t be too tough.

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