Birthday Cake!!!
Wednesday (Jan 28) – Birthday WODs. I don’t
know how it is in other places, scratch that yes I do. You get cake, people buy
you drinks and people take you out for lunch/dinner. @CrossFitCanuck, you get
to have a birthday WOD and your gift is your fellow Canucks hammering out the
Reps to you (and in @missad3’s case, you get a WOD and cake from
@matthew_5577). It’s a big day for me though, it is my last class before we
decide on if I move to Level 3. There are some sky falling moments this week
too, it looks like my attempts to hit the Nooners will be a no go. With the
chaos that has been going on at the Big K, it is just too much to get there,
WOD and get back. It looks like my next shift will be to an earlier frame of
6 minute AMRAP
30 DUs
5 Scap Push-ups
10 Mountain Climbers
15 Squats
Today is basically a Hero WOD. We haven’t
done those midweek in a while and there is no kidding around here, this one was
going to be long and it was going to be tough. We went through some Pistol Progressions and a
Barbell workup to get ready for the Power Cleans and then it was time to load
up. RX today was REALLY heavy (@225lbs), but that was well above my 1RM so I worked
up, focusing on the catch and hip position.
Sound dull? Practice, focus and more practice.
9 million and 1 mods
Holy Ade (30 minute CAP)
28 Rounds for Time
7 Pistols (20” Box)
5 Wallballs (@20lbs)
3 HSPU (Deficit, Box, 35lb Plates)
1 Power Clean (@185lbs
Yes, you read that right. 28 Rounds. We were
in it for the long haul today and it was tough. The Pistols were tough and my
knee really didn’t want any part of them. Wallballs surprisingly were really
good. I was hitting depth and powering off the heels. I managed to get through
14 Rounds + 4 Pistols. I really tried to go faster, but the body just couldn’t
manage it. My shoulders were absolutely cooked from those Deficit HSPUs.
Me Post WOD
A full day of training was on deck for me,
Level C CPR with AED. There is so much to cram into my brain, but all these
things will (hopefully) help me save a life one day.
Ade Post WOD
Back to the box for late night
classes. A Hero WOD is really something
to see, athletes working their tails off, pushing for that one last rep before
the buzzer sounds. Class after class just pushing thoughts of pain and fatigue
and just going for it. So cool to see.
We get the house in 2 days and then the saga of moving and organizing begins,
so please forgive me if things are disjointed for the next little while. I will
do my best to keep things moving.