Categories: CrossFit

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

I remember you…
It has been an interesting couple of days
since L1 Weekend. We didn’t lift a single barbell, PVC and bodyweight only and
I have been SORE. Holy moly! I guess the Squats, Snatch practice and Burpees
all added up. I even meant to run this morning, but I simply could not get it
together. Now, part of that may have been the fact it was late to bed last
night. We visited the Cineplex VIP Cinemas at Don Mills to see Gone Girl and
let me tell you that movie going has gone to level awesome. Powered reclining
seats, in seat service, varied menu and prices that were reasonable. What a
cool experience. The movie? Well let me tell you, I’m not a huge Ben Affleck
fan, but the movie was OUTSTANDING and he put on a really good performance. Now
I haven’t read the book, but I’m told that it was a faithful retelling. Go and
see it.
4 minute AMRAP
5 Inch Worms
5 Push-ups
10 Squats
20 Mountain Climbers
Now Wendler had Back and Front Squats on
the menu for today, but for the next 2 weeks I’m in a NO SQUAT ZONE. With the
Half coming up and the issues I’ve had with hips and knees, I don’t want to
take any chances. Instead I did the 3rd portion of today’s strength
portion, 5 Bench Press @170lbs every 90 seconds for 6 minutes. Then on Coach
Ade’s (@missade3) suggestion, 4 rounds of 5 reps of Bent Row with @95lbs on the
Dinabeth (10 minute CAP)
9 Power Cleans (@155lbs)
21 HSPU (Box)
7 Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
This one was a quick little WOD with heavy
Power Cleans. The HSPU were tough because of the tired shoulders, but I managed
to burn through in 3m38s. It was cool to be able to use some of the tips from
the weekend to improve my form. The #530Crew all made it under the CAP and
there were some tired folks at the end of this one. I need to spend more time
trying to get up on the wall.
3,280m Run
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
5 Pull-ups
Glute Stretch
Back Stretch
Hip Stretches
I missed Monday, but I got my homework in
tonight (Jojo??). I did not want any part of running tonight, but with the
#hisnhers challenge on and knowing that @SavannahJessie ran this morning, I had
to get out.  It took some convincing, but
I finally suited up and got outside. BRRRRRR! Holy crap it gets chilly when the
sun goes down, but I still managed to get 3.28KM in. It was an intense pace,
considering I ran at 6m54s/KM and a total run time of 22m39s.  The Garmin says I cooked off 439 calories
with an average heart rate of 145BPM with a max of 157BPM.
Back at the box tomorrow and another run,


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