Categories: CrossFit

Monday Funday

Happy Birthday Spanky, the first person I met when I moved to Toronto…
Yes, that is Bacon on his doughnut…
It’s almost like the good ol’ days for the
#530Crew on this kick-off to Max Out Week. @SarahBassels is back in a regular
class (and didn’t have to injure anyone at work to get here) and the class
itself is almost full.  It’s enough to
bring a tear to this sentimental old Beez’s eye. Of course by the time we get
through today’s WOD there might actually be tears because it is going to be a
doozy. It was going to be interesting, because the weekend went off the rails a
little bit and I didn’t manage to get out on my Sunday run. Let’s hope I can
make up mileage.
500m Row
4 minute Running Clock (Changing every 30s)
Calorie Row
10 Burpees
So to start our max out, we were looking
for a 1RM Split Jerk and for the first time in eons, I got to work with G
(@girmantitov). Thanks for the tips G! I was sitting on a Clean & Jerk of
200lbs, but we ramped up quickly and I nailed 205lbs! It felt pretty good
(especially the Clean). I had 3 shots at 210lbs and could not hit it. The
Cleans came up great (well 2 of the 3 of them did), but I could not drop under
the bar. I had it high enough (it was overhead and I was looking at it), but I
just couldn’t lock it out. Next time.
WOD (20 minute CAP)
20 Clean & Jerks (@135lbs)
20 Box Jumps (24”)
20 Wallballs (@20lbs)
20 Hang Snatch (@95lbs)
20 Box Jumps
20 Wallballs
20 Clean & Jerks
20 Box Jumps
20 Wallballs ***
20 Hang Snatch
20 Box Jumps
20 Wallballs
20 Clean & Jerks
Oh BABY! This little burner was intense and
awesome! Well, it wasn’t awesome while you were in it, but when you got done
(read as: CAPPED OUT). When time was up I had managed to get to 16 Wallballs
(in the round with the ***). Disgusting. Awesome. I was mixing and matching
Step-ups and Box Jumps to take some of the pressure off my knees.
800m Sled Pull (@90lbs)
One thing is for sure, after completing the
Sled Pull, my hamstrings were on fire. Drew, @SarahBassels, Jojo and the rest
of the #530Crew all took their turn dragging the Sleds and getting stronger. With
that kind of effort though, I knew that a run wasn’t in my future. So guilting
Jojo, we started on our homework for the week.
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
10 Pull-ups
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Shoulder Mobility (Rings)
Glute Stretch
Back Stretch
The Pull-ups were tough today and I worked
a few from the high bars, trying to focus on activating my Lats. I managed to
get 1, but my arms were burned out after all the work today. As an interesting
twist, today I used the rings to work on flexibility (opening my shoulders and
chest up, thanks to some goofing around from @keilshammer last week).
With a visit to Dr. Spin tomorrow for an
adjustment, hopefully I can finally get rid of this tension headache. A run may
or not happen (my Virtual Training Partner @JessyR1978 told me to cool my jets
to be ready for October), but my body will dictate it.


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