Categories: CrossFit


Well I do have to say that Momma Bear sure knows how to make
an entrance. Today marks the first time in forever that I got to WOD with
@katieandrien. In fact today felt like an old school kind of day because there
were a bunch of original Canucks in for the Saturday WOD. Momma Bear chose
today’s punishment and like Tavia said, “Sometimes Love Hurts”. Well today hurt
a bit, but it was awesome to watch everyone punch through the barrier and
finish the work. When you’re right on the edge and your world narrows down to
the point that all that matters is the next rep… That right there is Freedom.
500m Row
2 Rounds of
10 Ring Rows
10 Lunges
10 Push-ups
I just had a feeling when I woke up this morning that a ‘Hero’
WOD would be on deck. Combine that with a crazy burner and you have yourself an
all out party. We started by finding our heaviest Curtis P Complex (Hang Squat
Clean, Lunge Left, Lunge Right and a Push Press). The limiter is the Push Press
and I could have gone heavier, but I still have to be smart. I stopped at
100lbs (most I’ve pushed overhead in a while). We then hit a 6 minute EMOM of 3
Curtis P’s on the even minutes and Hollow Rock Holds on the odd minutes. If
that didn’t get your blood pumping you better see if you have a reflection
(vampires don’t have a reflection).
The ‘Ensign’
6 Rounds
3 minute AMRAP (1 minute Rest)
3 Power Clean (@155lbs)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats/Ring Dips
So only full rounds count (except in Round 6) and you
alternate between Squats and Dips every other Round. Oh. My. God. That was
about as intense as I’ve gone in a while and by Round 4, nothing else mattered
except doing the work.  Awesome. I
finished 15 Full Rounds + 5 Push-ups. Would have loved to get 1 more, but my
arms would not work properly. I was even having trouble with the Power Cleans
today as I’m sure I was dipping my chest and not catching with a soft hip. More
work to do.
5 Pull-ups
Glute Stretch
Forearm Stretch
Hip Stretch
Shoulder Mobility
The gas tank was empty. Note to self, Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day. Eat it! The last 2 weeks have been a bit of a
struggle for me and I’m a little off plan.
The 31 days of pain have not worked out as planned and I haven’t been
getting Runs or Spins into my schedule. The only reason is laziness. Wait, not
laziness, but the drive has been absent. After a little chat with Jillian, I
need to get back on plan. Food will be key and making sure that I’m eating
properly has just jumped to the top of my list.
Stay tuned.


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