Categories: CrossFit

Inverted Pistols

Delish in a squeezable form…
Inverted Pistols? That’s what Wakefield is working on now
that she has nailed her second Muscle Up (on camera). A 1 Arm Handstand
Push-up. Wait, nobody is that crazy. She was just working on regular Handstands
when I started chirping before the craziness started tonight. The last few
weeks of ramp up have been pretty intense and right now I have mixed feelings
about going away for 2 of the next 3 weeks. Will I be ready when the Open
starts? Will I be able to stay on program? Just things that rattle around in my
brain at 930pm on a Thursday.
500m Row
5 Beat Swings
10 Good Mornings
1 Tuck Jump
5 Beat Swings
Somehow I managed to miss the 15 Jumping Jacks in the middle
of the Warm-up and the Tuck Jumps caused some stress on my lower back. Today
was going to be another of those long strength sections with 30s of lifting and
1m30s off. All that 12 times working with the Snatch. Now I haven’t lifted a
heavy Snatch since November and while I am feeling better, I didn’t want to
have a setback. That being said, I still was working at 80% of my 1RM and it
felt GREAT to throw the bar around. I averaged 5@115lbs, 6@105lbs, 7@95lbs and
9@85lbs for each of the mini rounds.
WOD (9 minute CAP)
30 Shoulder to Overhead (@95lbs)
20 Burpee Box Jumps
15 Knees to Elbow
20 Shoulder to Overhead
30 Burbee Box Jumps
15 Knees to Elbow
ME Shoulder to Overhead
Oh Burpees… You still suck, especially when you are on the
Box. I made it to 8 Burpee Box Jumps in the second round. The Shoulder to
Overhead felt good and I was very conscious of not curving my back, but the
Burpees were the killer.  My arms and
chest were shredded and I was struggling to be quick getting up from the
bottom.  Oh well, I worked as hard as I
could and I was sucking wind by the end.
3×1 minute Weighted Plank (@15lbs)
1 L-Sit
Glute Stretch
Sumo Squat Stretch
Hip Stretch
Forearm Stretch
7 Strict Pull-ups*
Groin Stretch
Now Tavia has shut down my kipping until we are 2 weeks away
from the Open.  She doesn’t want me to
risk injury by putting loads on my shoulder in multiple planes until it’s back
to 100%. With all the Pull-ups yesterday I couldn’t even hold an L-Sit for the
Cash-out. That sucked. Still I feel pretty good with the work and hopefully I can
still move in the morning.


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