Can someone explain what the deuce is going on? Bodies have
been missing in the #530Crew, but we have been recovering. Tonight’s 630 class
only had 1 person show up? C’mon. I don’t get it, where would you rather be on
a cold Thursday then the box? I do have to say it was fun to have @SarahBassels
as our coach tonight as Tavia, Sue Ann and Jordan are taking a trip out to the
Left Coast (including the wee one’s first football game!). We also had @Wardy_
return to class and @Keilshammer limping back in after what was apparently a
killer class on Tuesday night.
400m Row
2 Rounds of
10 OHS with PVC
30 Skips
10 Scorpion Kicks
30 Skips
We got loose (although my legs were still grumpy) and got
ready for a serious night of lifting. @Wardy and I were working modified and as
a result had 2 Deadlifts, 1 Hang Power Clean, 2 Push Press and 2 Front Squats
as our complex (@125lbs). EMOM for 8 minutes we would complete that set of
movements. Let me tell you, by minute 4 I was ready to see the end of it. Still
need to work on my hips, but I think I was pretty focused on keeping my feet
dug in and not jumping. As soon as I increased the weight to 135lbs and we
began ‘Death By Squat Cleans’. Ugh. My feet were too wide, but as a tradeoff I was
getting depth. Yes Jillian, I know that’s not a good tradeoff and I will work
on sitting into the Squat. At 0:00 you do 1 Rep and every minute you increase
the Rep count by 1. I made it through 5,
and landed flat on my backside during the round of 6.
WOD (20 minute CAP)
75 HSPU (Box)
EMOM do 20 DUs
GAWD I STILL HATE DUs. I almost ended up in the DU Vortex,
but Coach Baz converted me to singles. I managed to finish in 5m52s but I wasn’t
happy about having to do singles. I couldn’t even link a few together and my
short situation is becoming dire. Momma C is going to have to take in these and
I think I will be taking a trip to the Sale tomorrow. Instead of just brushing
off though I spent the next few minutes working on DUs and by the time I was
done I did hook 5 together (as Austin Powers would say, “Whoopidy Doo Basil”).
3 Rounds
Alphabet Trace
As much as the Cash-out was tough, it was great core work. I
was doing so reading and it seems like a strong core will help with running. It
was nice that it was a relaxed Cash-out too, because it gave the #530Crew time
to shoot the breeze and wind down.
5 Pull-ups
Hip Stretches
Forearm Stretches
Quad Stretches
5 Rowling (102, 101, 100, 95, 101)
The BWOD wasn’t very exciting, but only because I almost
knocked myself out. While Mel worked through her 630 class solo with Baz, I made
use of the empty gym to try a Handstand Push-up at RX. I’m not quite ready yet.
I decided try some Pull-ups and surprise, surprise, I didn’t have discomfort. I
didn’t link them, but I got my chin over the bar.
Now before I close, I want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to
Tavia! Without you I would not have been able to achieve what I have (so far) and
I know that there is lots to go (and I’m sure there will be lots of new
homework when you get back). Many happy returns Coach!