It’s not often that you find me with nothing in the tank for a day @CrossFitCanuck, but that’s what happened when I had an unexpected WOD pop up. If you’ve been following along you know that I’m participating in the Whole Life Challenge. An 8 week exercise in fitness, health and the creation of good habits. Before you start though you have to take baseline measurements so that you can see the progress you’ve made. Now because I’m in Wasaga for an Olympic Distance Triathlon (1.5KM Swim, 40KM Bike and 10KM Run) as a part of Team Awesome (along with swimmer @Ed_Markwards and distance runner @C_R_Morton) I wouldn’t be around for measurements or the baseline workout. I was originally scheduled to come in on my lunch tomorrow, but Jillian managed to squeeze me in today before class. Clearly, I cannot read because that baseline was tough.
400m Run
WLC Baseline WOD
Part 1
As many 25 yard Shuttle Runs as possible in 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Part 2
2 minute AMRAP of 5 Push-ups and 10 Squats
Rest 1 minute
Part 3
As many Sit-ups as possible
Rest 1 minute
Part 4
As many 25 yard Shuttle Runs as possible in 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Part 5 (@CrossFitCanuck Special)
1000m Row
Holy crap! 2 minutes doesn’t sound like a whole lot of time, but when you are going all out, it’s an eternity. Oh, and don’t think you can dog it so that your results look incredible at the end, Jillian is a teacher and there is none of that BS. Here are the numbers for me. 18 Shuttle Runs, 25 Push-ups / 40 Squats, 44 Sit-ups, 16 Shuttle Runs and a 3m39s Row. I won’t lie, the first 100m on the Row were fine and then my legs disappeared and I struggled (although, I’m pretty happy with the time and my reps). Oh, and then it was time for the WOD. I was shredded and had missed Warm-up ‘B’ and the first portion of the strength section. I jumped in to a modified 8 minute EMOM of 1 Power Clean, 2 Push Press and 3 Front Squats @115lbs and then a Tempo Snatch at the same weight.
WOD (For Time, 20 minute CAP)
15 Power Snatch (@65lbs)
50 DUs
50 Sit-ups
15 Power Snatch
40 DUs
40 Sit-ups
15 Power Snatch (got 7 here)
30 DUs
30 Sit-ups
15 Power Snatch
20 DUs
20 Sit-ups
15 Power Snatch
10 DUs
10 Sit-ups
I was absolutely discombobulated. Add to that I still didn’t have a Rope and you have a recipe for disaster. Sorry, I should clarify, Thank You to @defconRX for setting up my cheese grater. I haven’t had a chance to try it and this WOD was not going to be it. It was a lot of starting and stopping after a pretty involved baseline test. I only managed to get 2 full rounds plus 7 Power Snatches. Not ideal, but it was the best I could do.
3x Alphabet
No we weren’t standing at the front of the box and reciting our A, B, C’s. Lay flat on your back, Lift your legs off the ground and draw out the letters of the alphabet. HIP FLEXORS! Everything was screaming, but I got it done. Considering I worked Abs, Squats and Posterior Chain, there was no chance for a BWOD tonight.
Home for dinner and the NFL,