The lightning crashed, the rains came and stayed. Streets
were flooded, trains were stranded both above and below ground and 1,000,000
were plunged into darkness. Mass chaos reigned, but there were also scenes of
normal Torontonians actually helping each other out (except for the douchebag
in the silver Volkswagen Rabbit who was speeding up the median lane on Sheppard
because he was so much more important than the rest of us… but I digress). People
huddled by candlelight in their homes, spending time with their family and
friends as the rain continued to fall. Mother Nature reminded us that Global
Warming is our new (and scary) reality and if we don’t start treating the
planet better then it’s a short leap from this to the Zombie Apocalypse.
Now what actually happened…
OK, not to belittle the trials and tribulations of those
Torontonians that suffered from flooded basements and lost personal items, but I
didn’t even realize how bad it was. In
the warm, dry, powered safety of @CrossFitCanuck, I knew that it had rained but
other than that there was no sign of what the rest of the city was facing. A
message from @keilshammer telling me to stay in the Collectors of the 401 was
my first hint that all was not right (the second being all the buildings being
blacked out) showed how bad it was. Low on fuel and not confident about what
was in my fridge for dinner, I made my way home and walked up to the Casa (my
building has a generator and 1 elevator functions, but I wasn’t taking any
chances). Candlelight, a fully charged Playbook to watch a movie and an
improvised dinner were the excitement of the rest of the evening.
Warm-up ‘A’
600m Run (Broke off 200m early when the lightning started
2 Rounds of
10 Beat Swings
10 Kettlebell Swings (@25lbs)
10 Inch Worms
10 Duck Hops
Warm-up ‘B’
See Previous
We were in deload week after the Smolov buildup, we were
working on the Snatch today. I’m still nursing this stupid shoulder issue
(GRRRR!!!!) and though it has started to feel better, I am sick of not being
able to fully participate. We started off with 7 minutes to find our heaviest
possible weight (I got to 100lbs) and then we removed 10% to get set for the 5
minute EMOM. I worked at 95lbs (my brain couldn’t justify going any lighter)
and worked at being patient with the pull. We shifted to the Drop Snatch, but I
had to modify to 1 Snatch + 5 OHS every 90 seconds for 3 minutes.
7 minute AMRAP
3 Ground to Overhead (@105lbs)
7 Burpees over Bar
1 minute Rest
7 minute AMRAP
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Green Band)
20 Kettlebell Swings (@70lbs)
Welcome to the new RX. I had almost forgot about the 70lb
Kettlebell. @DefconRX challenged the #530Crew to get through 5 rounds on the
first AMRAP and I’m happy to say that I DID! As much as Burpees suck, I got
through 5 rounds plus 1 Ground to Overhead. It was a hot mess. In the second
AMRAP I got through 2 full rounds plus 5 C2B. I had lots of problems with the
Kettlebell, but not with the weight. I guess my grip is putting uneven pressure
on the handle and as a result I nearly tore open my freshly healing wound. I’m
going to experiment with a glove the next time we break them out.
Now this post comes a day late (see the opening) and it will
allow me to do a little PSA (Public Service Announcement). I wanted to send a big ‘Thank You’ out to @Shiela_RMT
(and @keilshammer for pointing me in her direction). I was in for some work to
try and loosen up the shoulder and the tension headache I’ve had for the last
few weeks. If you need a massage (and not a light and fluffy one), go see @Shiela_RMT
at Absolute Endurance. She will get in there and get after it (as some of my
fellow Canucks have found out as well). I haven’t felt this good in a while.