Categories: CrossFit

It’s a TRAP!!!

No, not the Family Guy remake of Return of the Jedi, but becoming
so focused on a single objective (or the reverse, being so scattered) that you
miss (or almost miss) something very important. That’s where I find myself
right now, I was so focused for 6 months, then I got sidetracked (but still was
working towards losing weight and getting healthy) and then I looked up and it
was JULY. Why is that important? Well I have a Duathlon in 2 WEEKS! Don’t Panic
. Now am I healthier than I’ve ever been?
Yes. Will I be able to perform well in Gravenhurst? Hopefully. Wait, hopefully?
I don’t want to sound overconfident, but I have never felt better on the bike
or running (I’m starting to not hate running) and CrossFit has been helping me
in both of those aspects. The other caveat is that starting the Monday after
the race is the 12 weeks of training for the Half Marathon…

Warm-up ‘A’
400m Run
2 Rounds of
10 Inch Worms
10 Good Mornings
10 Squats
10 Duck Hops

Warm-up ‘B’
See Previous
So we are in the last few days of Smolov Jr and I will be
happy to have a break from Back Squats for a while. Not complaining because all
the work has allowed me to really focus on getting low and I think it has been
paying dividends. It helps that Matt was in to partner up with me and push me
again.   We worked today at 265lbs and we
did 5 reps every 2 minutes for 12 minutes. No doubt about it though, today was
HEAVY. We moved into the Strict Split Press again and I was working to try and
get over the 95lbs I did last week, but as soon as I got there, my shoulder
failed.  It hasn’t been feeling great
since the Pull-up fest on Monday and today it said ENOUGH. I dropped the weight
to 80lbs and did 4 reps every 90 seconds for 5 minutes. Just on a side to
address this issue, I have got both massage and physio scheduled to get rid of
this issue (and the tight ankle) once and for all.
Training the Snatch (10 minute AMRAP)
5 Power Snatch with OHS (modified from Snatch Balance
10 Snatch Deadlift (@95lbs)
15 Push-ups

@DefconRX found a modification so I could WOD because of the
shoulder and I struggled a bit keeping my chest up. I finished 4 full rounds
plus 1 Power Snatch. I just didn’t seem to have a lot of gas in the tank and I’m
wondering if it was because I didn’t have a good night’s sleep. I skipped
Cocoon last night to see if I was seeing real benefits or if I was hoping to
see benefits. True story, I did not have a restful night. I will be back on it
tonight and praying to be lights out.

3x ME Chest to Bar Pull-ups
3x ME Ring Dips
I went with the Green Band for the first round of Pull-ups
and then went without for the following 2 rounds. It wasn’t pretty, but I worked
hard.  The Ring Dips involved the Purple
Band and by the time I got to the last round there was nothing left in my

2400m Run
5 Deep Squats (Rig)
Shoulder Stretches
3×20 GHD Back Extensions (15lb Kettlebell)
3 Deep Assisted Squats (Blue Band and Thanks @jonokim11)
Hip Stretches
The run felt really good and I need to up the tempo to be
sure I’m ready for next weekend. I will work on brick training Saturday (bike
followed by a run) and then running will be the order of the day next week.  I’m also in the early stages of my challenge so it will be interesting to see what effect it has on this months’ training.


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