Categories: Exercise

Apples to Oranges…

Yeah, I rocked the high socks!
First off, congratulation to the Canucks that competed at
Beach WOD in Wasaga on Saturday in the heat, I wish I could have been there to
watch.  I did make up for not being out
in the blazing sun by competing at the MultiSport Canada Gravenhurst Sprint Duathlon
(try and say that 10 times fast). I’m not sure what I was expecting on this
Sunday morning, but I certainly wasn’t expecting the helping off beat down that
got dished up to me.  @keilshammer turns
to me (Saturday) and asks what my expectations for the race were (I forget what
I said) and he pauses and then says if you can equal your Wasaga time it will
be a win.  Equal a time from September
2012 BC (Before CrossFit)? You’re kidding, I will destroy that time by a factor

Well let’s not compare Apples to Oranges…

Wasaga is a great race.
It’s relatively cool (it’s in September) and it’s also relatively flat.
Gravenhurst, (it’s my first time racing here) is the EXACT OPPOSITE of both of
those things. It seemed that the run and the bike were uphill in both
directions (I know, how is that possible) and temperature wise, I might as well
have been running on the surface of the SUN.

Let’s break it down in section.  The first run started off ok. I tried to not
come out of the gate too fast and to get into my groove.  I knew I was in trouble as soon as we got
500m in. That’s when we started climbing. Now I’ve never gone out of my way to
run hills, in fact I run wherever the road takes me.  I hope to never be taken by this road
anywhere.  Total elevation gained over
the 5km… 360m. Yuck. I ran the first 3k, but the heat started getting to me and
I would end up walking for 2 minutes over the next 2km. I did post my fastest
5km time at 33m04s and a pace of 6m40s per KM. Average heart rate was 161BPM
maxing out at 172 BPM.

I got through transition in 2 minutes and out on the bike
course.  Guess what? We have to climb
right out of the gate and pretty much for the first couple of KM. Once we hit
the plateau I got my groove and started to pick up my pace and I was carrying
30KM/h for long stretches. I wheeled in every bike that wasn’t a road bike or
had a basket on the front.  This course
was also uphill for huge portions and we gained 310m of elevation over the
20km. Average heart rate of 163 BPM and maxed out at 177 BPM.

Parked the bike and made it through the 2nd
transition in under 2 minutes again and got out on the last run. I was in deep
trouble now and it was so hot that I’m sure my shoes were melting.  I was Jell-O and could not catch my breath. I
was very slow on the first 1.5K, but from that point on it was a force of will
to keep moving.  Any pace is a pace. That
was the mantra. Got to the turn in and the folks of Gravenhurst are there to
cheer you on, you can’t stop now. You can’t disappoint the children. Pick up
the feet. Into the shoot and across the line! Only 75m of elevation gain (thank
goodness). A 19 minute 2.5KM… Garbage. 7m36s pace. Average heart rate was 138
BPM and my max was 169 BPM.

1h42m35s. 20 seconds faster than Wasaga (just found that out
as I was posting this). Considering that this was the hardest course I could
have ever imagined, WINNING!!!


Thanks (and congrats) to @Wardy_ and @Keilshammer for the support and great times


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