That’s right you heard it here first. @DefconRX almost fell over when it happened.
Let me break down the scenario. It was a rainy, I mean pouring Friday
@CrossFitCanuck and let’s be honest no one likes running in the rain. I would
normally find any reason, excuse, bribe or whatever to avoid running in the
rain (or running period), but something happened today. We got the option to row 1000m or 200 skips,
but for some reason I felt the need to suck it up and pound the pavement. My apologies to my #530Crew classmates that
were going to row, because once @Keilshammer and I suited up, everybody was running.
Warm-up ‘A’
400m Run
3 minute AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Warm-up ‘B+’
3 Jump Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Drop Snatch
3 Sots Press
5 Duck Walk (Forward)
5 Duck Walk (Backward)
3 Bounces
Today was going to be a heavy day and since it was coming
after 2 consecutive tough ones, I wasn’t too sure how it was going to go. Today’s
strength activity was the Deadlift (YAY!!), but 3 rounds of 10 reps
(Yikes). Thanks to the CrossFit Total,
my Deadlift is just short of 400lbs so working at 70% of that was going to be
interesting. I loaded up to 255lbs (somehow my math didn’t work out right and I
was 20lbs short of my 70%) and started to lift, focusing on driving my legs
through and keeping my rear end down. Successful? Not too bad.
400m Run
40 Pistols (Alternating, Bench)
30 Push Press (@95lbs)
20 Knees to Elbows
400m Run
30 Pistols
30 Push Press
10 Knees to Elbows
400m Run
20 Pistols
15 Push Press
5 Knees to Elbows
That right there was some fun. Well most of it. RX was
115lbs, but with the Split Jerks and shoulder work this week, no way could I push
that weight for that many reps. I was
kind of disappointed, but sometimes you have to listen to the body (wow, won’t
hear me say that too often). I finished 20m51s and at the end I was winded, but
not the all out crispy mess I was on Thursday.
Monkey Bar Walkaround.
Think back to grade school and you will get the gist of this
Cash-out. Now I gave the hang and move a
shot, but I don’t the strength to hold myself up by 1 hand (yet). I will give credit where it’s due and
@Keilshammer gets the Giant Gold Star Award for successfully making it all the
way around the rig (although I have a feeling that once Jillian sees the video,
the J-bars may be missing next time we do this).
There was no homework last night because I had hot 13th
floor reunion style plans with the Ladies from Ottawa (Gemma and Haley), New Brunswick
(Karine), Fera and Ginette. It was great to see you ladies and I hope you have a
great day of shopping (Saturday). We hit
up the Toronto Temperance Society for drinks and they were spectacular. It made
for a tough Saturday morning of getting up early and getting to Kitchener to
help Carter and Cooper get ready for their first football game (I gave them
some pointers and tips between their ball hockey tourney games in the FREEZING
cold). Couple that with getting the roof
rack on the Red Rocket and I think as I wind this post down, I’ve put in an
honest days’ work.
Off to see the Morton’s and Hoodward’s tonight!!