No this will not be a ‘religious’ post, that was merely what
was heard in a silent box as today’s WOD ended. There has been a lot going on
since my last post and first and foremost is I learned that I am WAAAAYYYYY too
old to have back-to-back-to-back 1am nights. My body clock seems to be tuned to
530am whether I want it to be or not so it does make for some long days. Add to that a week of all-out assault on my
shoulders and legs and I was a crispy cookie this morning (I tried to spin this
morning, but I slept through the radio AND the foirst 20 minutes of my alarm
going off).
Warm-up ‘A’
400m Row
2 minute AMRAP of
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
*There was a whole lot of crispiness during the warm-up
right @SarahBassels???
Warm-up ‘B’
3 Jump Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Drop Snatch
3 Sots Press
5 Duck Walk (Forward)
5 Duck Walk (Backward)
It’s funny the difference that a week makes, because I won’t
lie Warm-up ‘B’ doesn’t feel as awkward any more. I probably still look ugly
doing it, but it is starting to feel better. First up today was 7 x 1 rep of 3
position Snatch. We started from the
bare bar and worked up to our max weight (85lbs). Issues today, foot placement (way to wide to
compensate for lack of flexibility in the Squat) and flexibility to get down
into the Squat. Off to the racks for some Front Squats and some serious moving.
1×5 @195lbs, 1×3 @205, 2×2 @210 and finished with 2×1 @215lbs.
‘Sweet Jesus’ (My name for it not Tavia’s)
2 minutes ME HSPU (On the Box)
6 minute AMRAP of
15 Hang Power Cleans (@115lbs)
15 Bar Over Burpees
2 minute ME HSPU
4 minute AMRAP of
10 Hang Power Cleans (@115lbs)
10 Bar Over Burpees
2 minute ME HSPU
As I lay in a heap at the base of the box I used for the
HSPUs all I could manage to say was the tag line of tonight’s post (Thanks
Carmen!). 28 Reps in the first HSPU, 1 round +3 Burpees, 25 Reps in the second HSPU, 1 round +10 HPC and finished with 35 HSPU. With a full class behind us though, we had to get moving and thanks
to Mother Nature our Run became a Row (WOOHOO!).
800m Row
Now that @Wardy_ and @Keilshammer are back on Canadian soil
it was time to crack open the Gold Bottle! Some folks weren’t able to be there,
but we were thinking of you. I did a lot of heavy lifting (physically and
figuratively), but a lot of what I was able to accomplish was because of the
great people around me. It’s a whole different world drinking after a WOD and
still having to do some homework before you leave for the night.
3×20 GHD Back Extensions
Hip Stretches
Back Rollout
I didn’t have much more than that in me tonight and I still
had to shop for dinner (always dangerous when starving after a WOD). Tuesday is
a scheduled spin day and some chef action.