In a glowing example of excellent customer service, Reebok
Canada gets a giant gold star. Now I’ve cataloged the fact that the sole on my
Oly started coming off and I contacted them for this warranty issue. 2 weeks
and $13.00 in shipping later (I had to bay to send, they pay to send back), I am
the owner (once again) of BRAND NEW Oly’s! I baked them last night (yes I know
that sounds odd) and they got their first action in tonight’s madness. Well
done Reebok!
Warm-up ‘A’
500m Row
3 Rounds of
5 Squats
10 Push-ups
15 Squat Jumps
Warm-up ‘B+’
3 Jump Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Drop Snatch
3 Sots Press
5 Duck Walk (Forward)
5 Duck Walk (Backward)
3 Bounces
After all the weight I pushed on Monday, my shoulders were
screaming just using the PVC pipe for Pass Through’s (not a good sign). I was
really looking forward to the strength portion today, especially since the last
time we did Deadlifts I had to tap out of the whole WOD mid-way (right after
13.5). 2 touch and go Deadlifts every 30
seconds for 5 minutes working at 70-75% of our 1 rep max. I was working at
225lbs which was heavy enough that I had to really try and focus on form
(although to be honest I don’t think I was squeezing my shoulders together
enough and I may have ‘rounded’ once or twice).
WOD (For Time)
20 Wallballs (@20lbs)
40 Pull-ups (Blue Band)
20 Wallballs
40 Box Jumps (4x45lb Plates) – WooHoo!!
20 Wallballs
40 Knees to Elbows
20 Wallballs
40 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
20 Wallballs
Well that was a mouthful. 18m26s of all out suck. Actually, suck may have been a bit harsh.
Aside from the Wallballs which brought nasty memories of Karen, it wasn’t 7
rounds! Now based on how I felt through the Pull-ups I think I will try out the
next band down the next time we have do them. Also there was a feel awesome
moment tonight and the reason I seriously love the Canuck family. The whole
class cheered on the last person to finish. Nobody left, nobody started their
Cash-out and everyone encouraged our teammate to finish strong. #530Crew is
3 Wall Walks
6 HSPU (From the Box)
12 Hollow Rocks
We were all pretty spent after the WOD and the Cash-out, but
it’s awesome to be around people who work their asses off and can still smile
and chat afterwards. Everyone stretched out and got caught up before heading
3×20 GHD Back Extensions
10 Deep Squats (Rig)
Shoulder Stretches
Hip Stretches
10 Goblet Squats (@35lbs)
2×20 Abmat Sit-ups
Back Rollout
Calf Rollout
Based on the advice of Dr. Dimitri I’ve added in the Goblet
Squats and Calf Rollout but it was hectic in the box so I skipped the Rope and the Back Squats.
He also suggested really widening my stance for Squats, but I don’t want to do
that unless everything else fails. Until
then it’s Jillian’s way or the highway.