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Only a State of Mind

Thanks to @SarahBassels for the photo.

So let’s talk diet. 
After Saturday’s WOD, @Keilshammer and I met @hoodieruns and
@Ed_Markward (and Kevin) for a lunch at Stack. 
If you haven’t been, stop reading and go there NOW. BBQ/Smokehouse of
the stars, Stack has some great food (and a homemade Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce
that is amazing). Eating paleo when dining out does present some challenges,
but if you watch closely and choose wisely you can stay on course (I did).  The problem started after lunch, I crashed
hard.  My energy levels were in the tank
and I was pretty much useless for the rest of the day.  Now before I jump ship, I think this was due
to not eating enough.  I will monitor
this week and see if there are any changes (today I felt AWESOME).

2 Rounds
10 Push-ups
20 Calorie Row
30 DUs (90 skips for me)

Today’s WOD was crazy. Wait, WOD? Sorry I should say today’s
3 WOD’s. There’s a CrossFit saying that I think is pretty appropriate here, “My
Warm-up is Your Workout’’. Sounds cold and cocky, but holy crap, I’ve never
done anything like this in a gym.  We
loaded up all the weights and equipment and then we were off (no Buy-in or
Cash-out today).


8 minute CAP
Shoulder to Overhead
20 @95lbs
20 @135lbs
20 @155lbs
AMRAP @185lbs

5 minute Active Rest
1000m Row

6 minute AMRAP
50 Wallball (@20lbs)
12 Squat Cleans (@185lbs)
AMRAP Muscle-Ups

5 minute Active Rest
Shuttle Run

6 minute AMRAP
30 T2B (Knees to Elbows for me)
AMRAP Pistols (on the bench)

Everything started out ok. I pushed through the first 20
Shoulder to OH’s with no problem, but the pace slowed as the weight went up.  By the time we got to the third round
(155lbs) it was tough, tough sledding.  I
managed to finish 7 reps, but that was all I could manage.  I think I need to work on generating more pop
from my legs/hips.  I did the row, but it
was far from a record pace. Straight into WOD 2 and the Wallball.  I started out ok, but still have to focus on
the depth of my Squat more. I was working at RX (185lbs) for the Squat Cleans
and let me tell you that is a heavy weight. I managed to get 1 rep, but that
was all (Sorry @CrossFitCanuck I’m pretty confident that on one of my reps I tried
to throw the barbell through the floor… My Bad). We hit the last WOD and I was
working modified, but it was still tough.
I finished by getting in 3 Pistols, but that was all I had in the tank.

Wow… That’s a big paragraph of pain.

Hit up the GHD for 2×20 and then worked on shoulder
stretches.  Rope, I’m coming for you. I
managed to find a bit of space and went at my homework.  I felt strong on the grip and with getting my
knees up and locking my feet.  Right now
my trouble is in the ‘Grey Matter’ between my ears. I’m going to climb the Rope
before my birthday, I just need to link together a couple solid movements. My
aim is to get some solid work in this week locking my feet. 


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