Categories: CrossFit

Now That Was Spicy!

In CrossFit there are a group of WODs called the ‘Ladies’
and Fran is a kind of universal benchmark. Apparently it’s not uncommon for
CrossFitters to measure each other by their Fran ‘number’ (how fast they
completed the WOD).  Well in true
@CrossFitCanuck fashion, just doing Fran wasn’t going to be enough, especially
with the Open starting in a few days’ time. 
Tavia made Fran super spicy. Buckle up kiddies, this one is going to get

5 minute AMRAP
Run the length of the box
5 Ball Slams (10lb ball) at one end
5 Ball Squats (10lb ball) at the other

I managed to finish 5 and a half rounds, but I almost felt
like I was dogging it in the run.  I wasn’t,
it just felt that way. Today’s strength workout would be the Deadlift (YAY!!!)
and we would be completing 3 sets of 5 reps at 75% of our 1 rep max (300lb Max
for moi). Now we were all under heavy form scrutiny today, no lifting if we
weren’t doing it properly.  I knocked off
the 3 sets lifting 225lbs fairly easily (only got yelled at a couple times to
keep my chest up) and I’m thinking that sometime soon I may have to try for a
new max.

Then came…

Spicy Fran
21 – 15 – 9 (Reps)
Thrusters (@95lbs)
Pull-ups (Blue band)

Then immediately followed by…

1 minute Unbroken Hang Power Clean
1 minute Unbroken Wallball (@20lbs)
1000m ME Row

No there were all kinds of complicated timing and counting
for today.  We got a time for Fran (it
was my first time and I finished in 11m31s), counts for Hang Power Cleans (6 @
95lbs) and Wallball (10 @20lbs) and then a final time for the Row (with
Tavia/Jillian making sure I was working hard and ‘requesting’ a sub 4 minute, I
finished with a time of 3m37s). I’m pretty happy with the Row considering that I
had never even tried rowing before November and I have fun doing it. I’m a
little bent that I’m still having trouble with Pull-ups (all because Gravity
and I just can’t agree), but I will get an RX Fran time before too long.  Hit the GHD for 2×20, but after that I was finished.

Now as I mentioned before I started a 30 Day Challenge this
week and Monday Tavia poked and weighed me so that we would be able to see my
progress. So I ate unbelievably well this week and hit @CrossFitCanuck 4
times.  I was eager to see if any
progress had been made so I hopped on the scale before class… and promptly fell


I am down 10lbs since 730pm Monday (OF THIS WEEK)! Talk
about fuel for motivation, 13.8lbs to the barrier. I’m getting a half way
reading next week and I hope to be able to say that I can cross something off
the list.  After today though, I see a
nap in my future.


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