Bonked? Bonking is known by a more common term, “Hitting the
Wall”. Now while I work on this new diet and managing my food intake, I may
have short changed myself today with regards to my caloric intake. About 3pm I had trouble focusing and I was
starving again. I had already worked
through my snacks (apple and a banana) and a solid healthy lunch of chicken
breast with stir fried vegetables. What to do? Normally a quick jaunt up to HR
to raid the candy dish and I would be a happy camper once again. Not today, same trip up to HR for an apple. Wow,
craziness in Beez-land.
5 minute Ladder
2 Wallball
10 Double Unders (30 skips)
4 Wallball
20 Double Unders (60 skips)
Until time expires
I managed to get to the 3rd round and even
attempted some DUs, but I still can’t land them. I will keep trying. We warmed up
our shoulders and mine were some kind of tight.
No matter what I couldn’t seem to get them loose. Rack time for the Back
Squat series that we had on the menu for today. During my warm-ups, I knew that
it wasn’t going to be a comfortable night. I worked my way through (at slightly
lighter weight then the strength training called for) and finished 1×5 @225lbs,
1×3 @245lbs, 1×2 @255lbs and 2×1 @275lbs.
CrossFit Games Open 11.4
10 minute AMRAP
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 OHS (@45lb)
10 Muscle-Ups
Immediately Followed By
3 minute ME Calorie Row
2 minute T2B (Knees to Elbows for Me)
1 minute Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
Burpees are not my friend. I started out ok, but it was a
tough slugging to get through the full 60. I had strict instructions from my
Jillian Michaels (Tavia) to make sure that I got to the OHS. Now I HATE OHS. My body just won’t bend when
there is weight overhead. I got through the Burpees, but I didn’t have a lot of
time left. I still managed to squeeze in 4 OHS working really hard to stay on
my heels and get as low as possible. We went straight to the rower and in the 3
minute ME Row I managed to hammer out 53 calories. Every calorie and rep counts as one and after
the Knees to Elbows and the Kettlebell Swings, my score stood at 96. Would have
loved to hit 3 digits, but I just couldn’t find those 4 rep.
I was spent, but I still had work to do (but no Rope
tonight). I hit the GHD for 2×20 reps and was feeling a bit light headed so I shut
down any more strenuous work. I rolled
out my back and quads, did some stretching and worked on my hips. I needed to fuel the machine so it was home
for BACON.