Categories: CrossFit

7 Rounds of Suck!

*Title Courtesy of @SarahBassels

I think it’s safe to say that I am all in on this 30 Day
Challenge.  I’m making choices that I wouldn’t
have made at any other point in my life. As a reward, today was the best I’ve
felt in about 6 months. I woke up this morning and it was as if someone had
hardwired a battery (or live wire) right into the back of my skull.  I was crystal clear all day, laser focused
and completely zeroed into everything I did.
It was a great feeling.

10 Burpees
20 Push-ups
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Squats
10 Burpees

It was a combo platter @CrossFitCanuck on this eve before
the CrossFit Games Open WOD 1 announcement.
The goal was to work us, but not stress us too hard.  Wait, maybe I understood it wrong. That Hero
WOD was crazy insane and it was a struggle to even get to the Cash-out. As
always, it was the damn DUs (single skips) that made it challenging.
Strength and Conditioning
Power Clean and then 20 DUs (60 skips) to move up to 1 Rep
60 Skips
60 Skips
60 Skips
60 Skips

I was excited to get another change at Power Cleans after
Mondays Squat Cleans and the 185lb PR that I nailed. I managed to get up to
that 185lb and still had some time left.
Throw on another 10lbs and BOOM! New PR set @195lbs!!!


7 Rounds for Time
15 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
15 Power Cleans (@95lbs)
15 Box Jumps (3x45lb Plate Jump)

That was an insane WOD.
For some reason I just couldn’t get enough air.  There ended up being a 25 minute CAP, but
@DefconRX let me keep going to get all 7 rounds in.  I ended up finishing in 32m21s (Big THANKS to
@SarahBassels, @Wardy_, Katie and Anne for cheering me on in that last round).
I’m sending out some quick healing vibes to @paulperena who was on the losing
side of a bizarre situation.  Mid WOD he
dropped his barbell, but one side landed on his kettlebell and bounced back and
hammered hi just below the knee. Keep your foot up, get ice on it and get ready
for Saturday.

100 Sit-ups (8m19s)
3x 1 minute L sit

After all this I was really cooked and prepared to call it a
night… But I didn’t. 2×20 on the GHD machine and then some quick shoulder
stretches. I stretched out my hips and quads and then rolled out my back. Again
ready to call it a night, but I looked at the Rope and I NEEDED to climb. I locked
in the hands, knees up, foot lock, hands up, knees up and another foot lock.  I could have kept going, but Tavia wasn’t
there and she would have been upset to miss it.
I’m close… Very close.



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