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Shhh! It’s a Surprise…

Less than 100 days to the Ride for Heart and while it may
seem early, it’s time to get back on the bike (or at least the spinner).  Now it’s time, but not today.  I did get a great little gift though and I decided
to share the love (just promise not to tell my Oma. She’s not on Facebook, so
as long as nobody blabs I should be good). By signing up as a VIP for the Ride,
I received a gift certificate courtesy of RoadID and while I was ordering, I got
to thinking of my grandmother and how she likes to walk to church. In the event
something happens, the RoadID can help the first responders identify her and
some of her medical history (including an emergency contact).  Oma got one, I got one. Win-Win.

Now this post is a little late, it’s been a busy few days
with the birth of Willow and @Keilshammer’s
birthday. I have not eaten well and with the few nicks my body has, I haven’t
been able to go all out.  Thursday’s WOD
promised to be extremely challenging, especially with the marathon that was the
Filthy Fifty that we did Wednesday.

500m Row
3 minute Ladder of
1 Wallball (@10lbs)
10 Mountain Climbers
2 Wallball (@10lbs)
20 Mountain Climbers
…and so on until time expires

Right out of the gate the knee started protesting the
Mountain Climbers.  Not a fun feeling and
it ended up setting the tone for the rest of the day.  We worked on Squat Cleans in an EMOM (Every
Minute on the Minute) cycle for 10 minutes and again flexibility was an issue
with the Squat.  Got done, but struggled.
Ugh. I don’t know if the Filthy Fifty affected my brain because when we moved
to the next activity (a body weight Front Squat); I got it in my head that I could
power through 315lbs bad knee and all (my PR was 195lbs).  Big ‘Thank You’ to DefconRX for taking one
look and making me drop the weight down to 225lbs (which is now my new PR). No
hurt feelings, it was the safe and right decision (and I may need to have my
head examined).

Threshold-ish (10 minute CAP)
30 Kettlebell Snatch (@35lbs)
60 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Snatch (@35lbs)
20 Double Unders
10 Kettlebell Snatch (@35lbs)
10 Double Unders

2 minute Rest

Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest. 4 rounds each

Now the Kettlebell Snatches were per arm and tries counted
for the Double Unders. It was pretty tough work and it took me forever because
of the DUs. At the 10 minute mark I was through the full first round and had
finished another 29 Kettlebell Snatches. For the Tabata (my first one!), every
rep counts as one and your final score is a total of all the reps.  My total, 136!

Now I have lots still to do this weekend (including meeting
Willow!!!!), but come Monday I’m locked and loaded for the 30 Day Paleo
Challenge from the Practical Paleo book I purchased. I’m also going to start
adding spinning back into my routine in the mornings in order to be ready for
the Ride.


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