I’m tired.
As I put my sore hands to the keyboard, I’m digging deep to
try and find the energy to put coherent thoughts into sentences. @CrossFitCanuck
is actively trying to push us to the limit (which is awesome), but I won’t lie,
I think I bounced up to the upper limit tonight. Welcome to the Valentine’s Day Massacre
CrossFit Style (and yes, no CrossFitters were harmed in the completion of this
WOD, but @CADPRO00’s hands may have seen better days). Buckle up.
500m Row
20 Wallball (@10lbs)
20 Kettlebell Swings (@25lbs)
20 Squats
Now I’m not sure what the story is with my right knee
(tweaked yesterday), but I had trouble getting to depth in the Wallball and the
Squats. I was not happy about it at
all. I’m actually contemplating taking
Saturday off to try and settle this thing down, but that is a last resort. We had options for our strength section to
find our 1 rep max in Clean and Jerk or the Snatch. With the work @Keilshammer and I did off the
rack, I wanted to up my Clean and Jerk.
At the end of the 12 minute section, I had a new PR at 165lbs (previous
was 135lbs).
Valentine’s Day Massacre (For Time)
14 calorie Row
14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of
Squat Clean Thrusters (@85lbs)
Pull-ups (Blue band)
14 calorie Row
Now @CrossFitCanuck you should be very proud of the #530Crew
because we all finished. @DefconRX
started us in waves and there came a point where it looked like he was going to
cap us, but I told him I was going to finish. It sucked, but it was an
accomplishment to fully complete this WOD. Knee issues aside, I think I had a
pretty good pace going even with the circus that is me getting into the
band. I finished with a time of 41m26s, pushing
@Keilshammer the last quarter of the way.
It’s friendly competition that gets everyone through in the end when you
think you just can’t go any further. Big
thanks to @CADPRO00, @zlreyes and @paulperena for cheering us on to the finish.
Now I’ve been reading Practical Paleo on a recommendation
from Tavia and working really hard to reduce my diary and gluten intake. For those that know me, I live(d) by a simple
motto, “EVERYTHING is better with cheese”. Over the last few weeks I’ve reduced
my diary intake by about 85% and my gluten intake by 80%. HUGE win! I’ve been feeling better, but as a
side effect, the book recommends staying away from NSAIDs and anti-inflammatory
meds because they can affect your digestive tract. Tonight, we’re dipping into
the Aleve bottle to see if we can clear up these nagging BS issues.