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Mission Accomplished… Without Tom Cruise

Mission accomplished you say? Well, mission #1 was
accomplished, working harder.  I won’t lie;
I was upset with my ‘perceived’ lack of work and tonight would be the first
chance of taking it up a level. It would be asking a lot of my body after
Monday’s Pull-up and Double Under WOD of death. I even had some trouble getting
dressed this morning, but it was time to “Nut Up or Shut Up” (sorry to be
crass, but it’s a great quote from Zombieland). We would be heading right back
into some of the muscles that were still aching, but the WOD looked like fun
(can’t believe I actually said that)…

2 Rounds of
50 Jumping Jacks
40 Mountain Climbers
30 Calorie Row
20 Squats
10 Pushups

I was a little bit gassed from the warm-up, but I wasn’t
going to stop now.  First up, Back
Squats. 3 sets of 5 reps working at 205lbs followed right up with 3 sets of 3
reps at 235lbs.  Tavia said I was getting
close to parallel which is encouraging, but my shoulders were so tight I had
trouble settling the bar into a good position.
That will be something else to work on later.

CrossFit Games 11.3 – AMRAP 5 minute cap
Squat Clean (@125lbs)
Jerk (@125lbs)

Now there were strict rules regarding the buy-in so the
numbers were low and it was VERY tough.
I managed to finish 5 full rounds after I came down in weight.  RX was 165lbs and Tavia started me at 145lbs,
but I couldn’t get under the bar fast enough in the Squat Clean. Once I went
down, form was better and I was rolling.

50 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)


21 – 15 – 9 (Reps)
Wall Ball (@20lbs)


50 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)

HOLY CRAP. Those Kettlebell Swings were the tough part here.
OMG. Now @Keilshammer is a regular part of the #530Crew and I try and use him
as a speed benchmark whenever I can. I managed to catch him on the last set of
KBS and squeezed out a 2 second win. Today was a great day in the box, Everyone
was doing this WOD at RX (YEAH!). Great performance guys!

100 Atomic Sit-ups for Time

Now I got through the first 20 and started to feel the pull
in my back so I switched to Abmat Sit-ups (hey, my back just stopped hurting, I’m
going to take it easy there). Finished in a dead heat with @Keilshammer in a
time of 6m02s.

Here’s where ‘Doing Better’ comes into play. Lately I would
have tried my Rope homework and headed home, but if you want to see results you
have to do the work. 2 sets of 20 reps on the GHD machine, shoulder stretches
and then hip work. I hit the Rope for some hangs and worked on my footwork
(which I am still having trouble with), but my thumb is still making it tough
sledding.  After I finished my reps I did
2 Rope Pull-ups from the floor and then finished with hips and a roll out.
If I can move, I will be back tomorrow…


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