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Will Time Expire??

That’s right folks, according to the Mayans the end is nigh
(wow, crossed using nigh off my bucket list in the nick of time).  The clock is going to read all zeros and the
world will… Zombies?  Cataclysmic Solar
Flare? Mass Invasion by Furbies?  So many
possibilities. Before we pull the plug though, I’m aiming to deposit a few more
CrossFit Coins in that big piggy bank in the sky.  So instead of jetting off to Vegas and
spending money on cocaine and hookers, I headed to CrossFit Canuck to workout (Mom,
I’m merely using the cocaine and hookers as an example, I don’t indulge in
either so you can relax).


Now a quick note as we approach the Christmas season, with
all the lunches, delicious snacks and booze, it’s sometimes difficult to make
healthy choices. I missed a workout (Wednesday) due to a cold that hit me like
a freight train.  I’m still not 100% but I
have this CrossFit bug and NEEDED to get my WOD on. I’m shooting to make up the
missed day on Saturday, but it’s a 50/50 proposition right now.

100 Skips
15 Reps – 12 Reps – 9 Reps of Each
Atomic Sit-ups

*Followed by 6 minutes of Double Under Practice

Ugh, the dreaded DU. I’m slowly getting the hang of skipping
(having never done it as a kid) and the DU is still something I can’t seem to
grasp.  On the plus side I’m getting to
the point where I can string together 50 skips in a row! Our strength and
conditioning for today was Clean and Jerk and while I’m still having trouble
engaging my shoulders and elbows at the top of the Clean, I’m getting better.
Tavia had me load on the weight to try and cut down my ‘cheating’ (bar going
around instead of straight up) and in the process we blew my PR out of the
water.  7 rounds of 1 rep lifting 135lbs
(previous PR was 100lbs).

And after the Buy-in we entered DU HELL!!!!

Ladder (1,1 – 2,2 – 3,3…) of
Knees to Elbows

WOD ‘F@CK’ (because you’ll be saying it a lot)
7 Wall Ball (@14lbs)
7 Burpees
300 DU (600 singles for me, but Tavia stopped me at 210
because I was sick yesterday)

******Every time you fail a skip
7 Wall Ball (@14lbs)
7 Burpees

4 minute Max Calorie Row

I will not tell a lie, that WOD was tough.  I didn’t hate it, but I’m ok with not seeing
it for a really, really long time.  I got
through 5 rounds of the buy-in doing a modified motion and 64 calories on the
cash-out.  There was a 20 minute cap on
the WOD (good thing because I would have been there until midnight and would
have done 100,000 Burpees), but I finished in 16m47s.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the Dude writing out the
Mayan calendar simply got tired and figured he would need to go past
12/21/2012. If tomorrow and Saturday dawn as always and I don’t make it for one
more workout, Merry Christmas!



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