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‘Mary’ Christmas

Yes I know that it’s ‘Merry Christmas’, but with a bonus WOD
to make up for missing Wednesday (due to illness and Goldfinger) I got to meet
Mary.  She is not a nice person. In fact
she is a downright biotch. Tack her onto the end of some serious back squats and
you have a recipe for a very tough holiday send off.  It was an especially tough workout due to the
holiday pot luck and libations over the last few days, but we got ’er done.

841m Row (I’m sure there’s a story behind the odd number)
3 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
Wall Ball
Kettlebell Taters
*performed in a ladder (1,1 – 2,2 – 3,3…)

Today wasn’t only my first Saturday, but also my first WOD
with @Wardy_ who has decided to join CrossFit Canuck.  YAY! I heard through the grapevine that she
experienced the same four day recovery after her first workout that I did.  We warmed up with a 5 minute session of Hang
Cleans and then moved on to a 20 minutes of back squats to find our 1 rep
max.  My max at the start of the WOD was
135lbs twice. I figured I would shoot for 200lbs and see how my body handled
it.  I found it much easier this time to
get into the low bar position and I felt really strong. The only problem I ended
up having, was figuring out what my max was and I finished with 250lbs 3 times!
For those not skilled in math, that’s 115lbs more than my last PR. Tavia is very
confident that we aren’t anywhere near my max yet.

There was no buy-in today, just 20 minutes with a lady named
Mary. The goal is to complete as many rounds as possible in that timeframe.

5 Handstand Pushups (I was modified using the box)
10 Pistols (I was modified using the bench)
15 Pull-ups

Now I started doing the pistols from the box because it was ‘easier’
then doing it from the bench. Tavia being the super motivator to the stars put
the kibosh on that though.  No easy way
outs here. Moved to the bench which was much more difficult (especially on the
right leg), but way more satisfying when I finished. I managed to get 6 full rounds
in plus 5 handstands push-ups, 10 pistols and 12 pull-ups.

Cash-out (choice of)
3 minutes
Battle Rope
Rope Climb
GHD Back Extensions
Wall Walks
Muscle Ups

I chose to try the GHD Back Extensions because I haven’t had
a chance to use that piece of equipment yet.
It was actually a lot of fun, hard, but very enjoyable.  Tavia wants us to add this to our warm-up or
cool-down sessions whenever we come to the box.

I’m going to spend the rest of the day working on my meal
plans for the first two weeks of January and get ready to head home for the
Christmas Holidays.  So from me to you,
Merry Christmas, thanks for reading and I will catch you on the flip side.



ps. PR’s for @Keilshammer, @Wardy_ and me on the squat today!!!


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