Categories: CrossFit

Lunge… Repeat Many Times

First off, a huge thank you to @hoodieruns and @Ed_Markwards
for hosting a great weekend in Sauble this past weekend.  It was lots of fun, but there may have been
bad decisions made (i.e. lots of booze).
One hamstring was blown (not mine), one teapot was broken (its ok
@Keilshammer nobody noticed it was you with the tea cozy on your head) and
someone had to clean jean marks off a wall after handstand pushups (sadly, not
me). We made it back to Toronto after two straight late nights and my body was
not happy.  Once I tuned into the WOD of
the day, I knew that I would be paying for all the fun that was had.

800m Row

3 Rounds of
10 Wall Ball (10lbs Medicine Ball)
10 Lunges

After loosening up, my ankle still didn’t feel great (along
with my IT Bands) and Tavia came through! She seems to be a big fan of taping
and provided me with a great tape job on my right ankle.  It was seriously the first ‘taping’ I’ve had
in 20 years. It was the only reason I made it through the 10,000,000 lunges
that were setup in this WOD. So the second big thank you of the day goes to you
Tavia (see below).


After we warmed up we worked to find our 1 RM Overhead
Squat.  I’m not exactly sure what the
issue was, but with the PVC I could throw the hips back and had no issues.  As soon as I went to the bar (without
weight), my hips were locked and I couldn’t do diddley.  Frustration for 12 minutes and I couldn’t seem
to put it together… AARGGGGHHHH. Then came the buy in which was wall
walks.  I had trouble, but I didn’t have
to modify (and I managed not to pull down the electrical that ran across the wall).

Buy in
10 Wall Walks (to plank)

“Thruster Cluster”
100 Front Lunges (15 reps at 65lbs then completed remaining
at 45lbs)
*After every 15 do 3 Thrusters
**If you drop the bar, do 5 bar facing Burpees (ugh…)

Cash Out
3 ME Handstands (I did them reverse)

Let me tell you, that sucked.  And by sucked I mean it was awesome.  It hurt, it was hard and I didn’t want to do
it, but I pushed and did it anyway.  I
think that’s why I keep showing up on Mondays at 530p.  The whole group that shows up is
awesome.  Super supportive people who go
all out to do whatever Sue and Tavia throw at us.  530 Crew, you guys rock!

Home to stick my foot in a bucket of ice water…


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