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Ending 2012 With a BANG!

There are times when I wish that the CrossFit bug hadn’t
bitten me. Actually no there isn’t, but dedication to this newly found passion
is pretty terrifying (even for me). I was visiting the family for Momma C’s
birthday and instead of crashing over I packed up early so that I could make
the last WOD of 2012 at the box.  I had
heard there was the potential for weather and decided that wasn’t enough of an
excuse (if I knew it was coming and could plan for it).  Good thing I did because the drive was
eventful with nary a snowplow to be seen.


2 Rounds of
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Pushups
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Squats
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Jump Squats

I was exhausted after the warm-up. The extra days off over
the holidays, the food and the driving were taking their toll and I was
gassed.  I grabbed a GU gel and hoped
that it would be enough (mainly because I didn’t have enough to eat for
breakfast). We moved on to find our 1 Rep Max for the Snatch or Clean and Jerk.
I worked on the Snatch and finished at 125lbs.
This would be the point where ‘easy’ ended for the day.

5 minutes AMRAP
10 Wall Ball (@20lb ball – RX)
10 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs – RX)

Ouch. 4 rounds plus 5 wall balls. That was tough. Next step
was to meet Jackie. I don’t like Jackie.
Jackie is not a very nice person.
Jackie makes you feel bad.  You are
happy and hopeful not to see Jackie again for a long time.

1000m Row
50 Thrusters (@45lbs – RX)
30 Pull-ups (jumping pull-ups off 2 plates for me)

20 Candlesticks

I finished first in the row (sub 4 minutes) which seems to be
my MO, but I had trouble keeping up the pace.
Screamed ‘TIME’ at the 15m12s mark.
Not a good time (in my mind). I think I could finish this WOD in sub 14
minutes (so that’s what I will work towards). The thing that made me most proud
though, was the way my fellow Canucks worked hard to finish strong.  @SarahBassels and Anne were across from me
and were as gassed as I was, but we encouraged each other to finish
strong.  The teamwork here is AMAZING.

As I close 2012, Happy New Year! This year has been an
amazing ride, sometimes good, sometimes challenging, but never boring.
Hopefully 2013 will bring more of the same!


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