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These Are The Days…

As proof that I worked really hard on Friday’s ride, my legs
and hips are still feeling tight and sore. I stretched, I used MusleCare and I tried
rest.  None of these things seemed to
help me, so when the alarm went off two things struck me.  I haven’t written in four days (Wasaga is
four weeks away) and I have a lot of things to tell you (see, blog performing it’s
primary function, getting me moving).
Thanks to Mother Nature and her decision to rain on my parade over the
last week (and no, I am not bitter. Much), so today turned into Training
Session #4 for the run.
First off, welcome back to @hoodieruns and her return to the
blogging world (HoodieRuns).  Happy First
Anniversary to You and the big M.E.  Don’t
stay away so long next time, the body gets mighty angry when you put it back to

When the alarm went off I had absolutely no desire to get
out of bed. My legs were stiff and sore, but I knew that with the race only
four weeks away, I needed to train.  Last
year I raced and didn’t do any training and this year I want to make sure I put
a better effort forward.  If I’m going to
beat my time by fifteen minutes, I will need to make sure that I put in the
work.  Plus there is the new inspiration I
got this weekend from Mr. Kearly. He was our other rider on Friday and in the
last six months he has dropped 60 pounds and has turned into an absolute
machine on the bike.  Very impressive.

I headed down to the condo gym for some quality time on the
treadmill. I started off very slowly in order to loosen up the hips and legs
and then started the program.  Week 2
extends the running portions.  Once I got
loose I ramped up the running and was running at the highest pace so far.  I still felt within my limits without over
taxing the body.  The session was 4KM and
lasted 34m13s.  I burned 507 calories and
while my strikes are still not near my goal of 100, I’m holding steady over 70
when I’m running.  No heart monitor
again, but I was seriously sweating up a storm so I know that I was working

Before I close today, I have one more tidbit of news.  I’m going to be an UNCLE! My Sister and her
husband are expecting and are due in February.
Can you tell I’m excited?  Maybe just
a little bit!!  Now I’m not signing up
for any diaper changing, but I will spoil my Ni-Ephew (not sure yet if a boy or
girl) rotten. Congratulations Susan and Naveen!

Uncle Beez

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