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Baby Bears & Beers

First Ride! That’s right kids, 1st go on the new
wheels and they are fast.  Sadly, I was
not today.  The ride started from
@Keilhammer’s cottage and that means the hill… Four seconds into the ride and
you are climbing a category 3 mountain (cycling term for you geeks out there).
Not really a fun way to start, but there you go. Only issue (besides the hill
at the start and end line) is that the roads out to highway 169 are sloppy with
sand and pretty rolling.  Combine that
with the goal of going 60KM and this could make for an interesting morning.

We were also responsible for Mr. Noah who would be riding
his Dad’s Roubaix for the first time and using clipless pedals. On the plus
side he figured them out pretty quickly. On the downside it took a fall before
we started for him to do that (he was okay though… his knee, not so much). To
tell the truth I was worried that I would have a hard time keeping up to him.
It all worked out in the end and everyone made it out and back.

Now, let’s talk about the Zipps.  They are fast.  They are loud (which I think is more to do
with the Ultegra cassette than the wheels). They are like a kite in a
crosswind.  These are all things that I had
to figure out, but they are sssssoooooooooo fast.  Just gliding with no power in and I was up
over 30KM/h on a gentle grade and during the return I hit 60KM/H. It did take
some getting used to, but I am a seriously happy camper.

Now the ride today was long.
We went 60.28KM in 2h23m36.  Not a
speedy average of 25.8KM/H, but I’m sure that if I was on the Aksiums, that
would have been in the 23KM/H range.  The
legs just didn’t have the fuel, but I did find my new gel of choice. Can I tell
you how delicious GU Peanut Butter is? Awesome.
There aren’t enough words to describe it, but I digress. The ride
featured lots of hills and we climbed a total of about 221 meters. I burned
about 4,085 calories and had an average heart rate of 149BPM, maxing out at

Here’s a photo from the halfway point with today’s intrepid riders.

Now the ride home got a little bit eventful. While trying to
find some kind of fuel to keep going, I finally seemed to catch a second wind
when we got into the Barrens.  I started
picking up the pace and making a conscious effort to pull on the pedals. Just
before the railroad tracks, @Keilshammer (using me to pull him), slingshot past
me.  We came across the tracks and had some
rolling photos when he noticed the large cat crossing the road.
BRAKES!!!!!!  Baby bear crossing the road
150 yards ahead.  Crap, where’s
Momma?  We waited for a car and a
motorcycle to go through then we clipped in and rode fast.  Screaming and ringing bells the whole way. We
must have looked stupid, but we didn’t see any more bears.

We made back across 169 and had a nice rolling chat with Pat
and Sab who were headed in from town in the van. Fighting the hills to stay
close and then back to the cottage.  Here’s
where light wheels are not a bonus.
Coming back up the hill pulling on the front for torque and my front
wheel comes off the ground! Managed to get it back down and unclip, but it was

Food, Blog, Nap, Hot tub and maybe a beer!

Happy Long Weekend


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