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Really? There’s An App For That?

I know you’re thinking, he’s writing again? Is he trying to
flood my twitter and facebook feeds? Yes, yes I am. Can you believe it? They
have an app for everything.  Today I started
my 10Km Training program and after this first session I’m still alive to talk
about it. Some of you out there are probably expecting some kind of injury
report (German Catt, I’m looking in your direction), but nothing to see here
folks.  I’m in a catch-22 here, my body
hurts if I go to hard, but to keep my body from hurting, I need to continue
doing what I’m doing.

If everything works out as I hope, you will be seeing a lot
more posts in the next five weeks.  As I prep
for Wasaga, I’m confident on the bike, but the run (which is what I’m focused
on) is the part I need to focus on. The app I’m using is a 10K prep program
(even though I’m running a shorter distance) and it is pretty sweet.  The first sessions are interval sessions,
crossing walking sessions with runs.  As
you progress the walking intervals become shorter and the runs become longer as
you progress to the final distance. This all happens while you listen to your
favorite playlist (in my case, the Men’s Health best running songs).

Thanks to Mother Nature and an acute dislike on my part of
running outside resulted in this chunky brother heading down to the Condo Gym
for some treadmill time.  Now the initial
program is a 25m session, but I was feeling very energetic (after I managed to
get my tired body out of bed) so I added another 17m of walking on both
ends.  Also to be noted here is the fact
that I didn’t work the treadmill today on my normal 3.5 incline (used a 1.0)
and my legs and ankle felt really good.

The total workout was 41m58s covering 4.48KM. I burned 547
calories and had an average pace of 9m23s/km.
Good numbers for workout number one.
Now based on the fact that over the next three weeks I’m planning 350KM
of bike riding, running is going to be tough, but I will squeeze the training
in somehow.

Stay dry out there,


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