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One Combo Platter, As Requested!

Well like I mentioned yesterday, it’s not always exciting
here.  Well, that was yesterday.  Today I have exciting news and
congratulations and validation of why I’m doing what I’m doing on a daily
basis.  Lots of pictures and a plethora
of exclamation marks will be some of the highlights of today’s post.  So without further ado, buckle up kids it’s
gonna be a bumpy ride… Or in the words of Ricky Bobby, “Hold on Baby Jesus, it’s
gonna get bumpy” (whichever floats your boat).

First, news of the day.
shouting). This little bundle of joy finally made her debut yesterday (working
on island time, clearly) and Jenn and Paul are two ecstatic parents (and
Victoria is presumably one excited older sister).  OMG (yes, I love her initials) weighed in at
a hefty 9lbs 8oz and arrived with a full head of hair (which I’m guessing she
didn’t get from you Pauly… just kidding bro, I’m contemplating taking it to the
wood soon too) and everybody is happy and healthy.

Now that the baby news is out of the way, let’s talk about
Carbon Footprint.  I sat down with
Alexis, our Sustainability Manager at Keilhauer and we discussed the effect not
driving was having on the environment. Yes I know I’m just one person, but we
went over some stats and she came up with some truly staggering numbers.  Based on the car I drive and the distance I have
to go, Alexis worked out that every trip to work I made produced six kilograms
of CO2.  Now when you consider that I have
to get home at the end of the work day, that total works out to twelve
kilograms of CO2.  To give you
perspective (which is what I’m all about these days, the cube the Alexis is
holding represents ten grams of CO2).
THEM!!!!!!!! Picture a room ten feet wide, twelve feet long and ten feet high…

Given that I have just started commuting to work on the
bike, this month I have saved 60KG of CO2 or 6,000 of those 1ft by 1ft
cubes.  That blew my mind, right there.
Multiply these numbers by every car out there and you can see why our planet is
in trouble.  Just to be clear, I’m not a ‘Tree
Hugger’ by any stretch of the imagination, but I would like to believe that in
a small way I’m trying to make a difference.
So I challenge my readers to find small changes that you can make to
help the environment and try to implement them in your everyday life (three of
my co-workers, Alexis included have committed to commuting to work a few times
a week to not only get healthy, but to do their part for the environment). 

Be a role model to the people around you.

Oh, and I rode me bike to work.  Knowing that tomorrow was going to be a
washout thanks to Mother Nature, I dragged my posterior out of bed and clipped
in (to be honest, I would rather have kept sleeping). I felt pretty fast and it
was a great morning to be out.  All in I punched
the clock for 31.92KM and burned 2,202 calories.  My average heart rate was 152BPM and I maxed
at 175BPM.  I would love to say that the
rides are getting easier, but they are still presenting challenges.  Now while I may not be Tour de France fast,
those boys would have to carry another 150lbs to be anywhere near my weight
class.  Let’s see them average 40km/h
with that kind of luggage.  I’m still
slugging away and based on how good I feel and the environmental impact I’m having
(for the good), I’m really thinking of extending my commuting time into the
late fall.

Hope this gives you something to think about,


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