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It’s So Good When It Hits Your Lips…

I had a revelation today. 
It took a while to find it, but having just discovered it, I think it
will make me famous.  While I battled
getting out of bed vs. turning off the alarm and going back to bed, I was
convinced that this whole health journey was nothing but a crock (feel free to
add the ‘of $hit).  Basically the only
reason I rolled out of bed and got moving was the weather report that there was
freezing rain on the way.  I wanted to
make sure that I got moving before all the clowns afraid of winter driving
clogged up the roads.

Wow, that was a little harsh… Sorry.

Anyhow, I got to the gym (and the roads were fine, it was
only rain for crying out loud) and once I got through the first 15 minutes of warm-up
I really started to ‘Feel’ it.  Not the
burn or strain, but an awesome whole body buzz (it must be runner’s high only I
wasn’t running). Now I don’t normally find Will Ferrell funny (Old School being
one of the exceptions), but when Frank ‘the Tank’ Ricard Awesomous starts
chugging beer and exclaims “it’s so good when it hits your lips”, he might have
been onto something.  Not the quick high
you get just after working out, but the whole day long feeling of awesome
(accomplishment, energy, ______, etc.).

Exercise is SO good when you do it!

Profound, don’t you think? 
OK, well maybe not, but it is a reason to try and peel back the
comforter and start moving on those chilly mornings when you would rather sleep
in.  That’s enough distraction for one
day.  Today was pretty good all around,
but even though I got to the gym, I need to get there even earlier because I’m
only getting 30 minutes (plus or minus) in the workout before I have to hit the
finish time cardio.

Treadmill – 18 minutes, 0.99 miles, 225 calories
Pectoral Flyes – 4×20 @120lbs
Shoulder Press – 3×15 @40lbs ISO
MTS Incline Press – 3×12 @35lbs ISO
MTS Decline Press – 3×12 @35lbs ISO
Seated Alternating DB Curls – 3×12 @25lbs
Flat DB Press – 1×7 @25lbs (Right Shoulder Failed)
Elliptical – 35 minutes, 5446 strides, 565.8 calories, 133

We’re almost at the weekend and I need to figure out how to
get a couple more workouts in.  On the
plus side, it’s a long weekend.  On the
minus side, it’s a long weekend. I’m shooting for some gym action tomorrow now
that my legs aren’t screaming anymore.



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