Categories: Exercise

Must Win Time

Well it’s certainly that time of year again.  The Blue Rams have to dig deep, win out and get help to get into the championship playoffs.  It starts of on this lovely Tuesday with 2 against the Sultans. Tonight’s action brings us to Dunton to do battle.

It was an interesting couple of games and the sad part was that the games were shorter then scheduled because two outfielders from the opposing team forgot to call the ball and one of them had to be carted off by the meatwagon (Ambulance for those who didn’t know what the meatwagon was).  A shame too because I was feeling pretty good.  The running was good, but the ankles feel REALLY bad.
I got the heart rate up a couple of times and I had to run because one of the guys on the team was having some hamstring problems. Even so there was no running issues like last week, but my body is really starting to wear down and I’m starting to get really worried about the Duathlon.
Short post, but I’m tired…

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