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Big Dawg on a Spinner

Well here we are on Thursday night after a break yesterday. My body was TKO’d after biking and playing ball. I had to work late and by the time I got home there wasn’t anything else happening for me. I woke up, still exhausted and headed off for a full day at the office.
I got home, did two loads of laundry and ordered a pizza (yes, you can gasp here, but I was in no fit state to throw anything together). No before you get all down and discouraged, a lot has been going on. Not to make excuses but work has been really busy and playing ball while really good exercise is tougher on the body than spinning, swimming or the gym.

Now tonight, knowing that I was going to not eat really well I popped in the second last episode of Castle (can’t believe no new episodes after next week… well no new episodes till the fall) and started on the pedals. It was ROUGH. No sugar coating or anything else, it was tough to get going, tough to get into the zone and really tough to stay there. Don’t know what it was, although if I had to guess, I would say it had something to do with my hips and back.

The session lasted 46 minutes and covered 25KMs on the nose. I am liking the new way these workouts oar going lately, spin for the length of the episode (40-42 minutes) and then do another couple of KMs just to round it out. The average cadence was 92 (which is great, but tougher to do on the road bike with those hills) and my average BPM was 156 (with a max of 163).

Shooting for a Friday night something and a Saturday morning something else because right now Sunday looks like a work day. End of the month I’m hoping to add 35KM rides with Rick K once a week to the Leslie St spit which should be fun (random thought).

Good Night,


Ps Congrats to Paul and Jenn!


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