Categories: Exercise

I Might Be Sleeping @ My Desk Today

Let me start off by saying, sometimes you get what you wish for and sometimes that involves making small sacrifices. I have been saying since I moved in that my parents don’t come and visit enough. Well they visited and stayed over and I turned my bed over to them (the suggestion from my Mother that they sleep on the floor was laughable). I headed over to big Blue and crashed out after a very long day (and just for the record Mom, I was ready for bed about 9pm, but I knew Theresa would have been hurt if you two didn’t visit).

Needless to say and completely predictably, I had the worst sleep I’ve ever had on the couch. I don’t know if it because I was sober or because my legs and body were still a bit wiped after a very hard week of working out (which included 2 Doubles BTW) but it just wasn’t good. I even thought about ignoring my alarm and continuing to sleep. I persevered and discovered that I can actually make it from my condo to the gym without actually being awake (as demonstrated by the fact that it took 5 minutes to turn on the TV and tune it to Headline Sports).

Mercifully no one was there to see my incompetence and I hopped on the elliptical and started pounding away on a 40 minute session. Now the number was just an arbitrary one as I’m pretty sure rational thought was still upstairs on the couch. It was weird, no that’s not the right word, tough might be better. I was a little tender on both knees which is a little disconcerting, but it may go away if I ignore it. Both ankles and Achilles were tight when I finished, but meh… they are just going to have to learn to deal with it.

Overall it was 40 minutes, 5500+ strides and 599.2 calories burned. Good way to start off a long Friday.



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