Categories: Exercise

So, am I Dreaming?

Are you catching the dream trend? So the reason behind the REM sleep is I finally got a chance to watch Inception. Whatever sick twisted psychopath dreamed up that nightmare, deserves, a friggin high-ten and a cold beer. Brilliant! Twisted and enough intrigue to make me feeling like I was watching the Matrix for the first time! I didn’t start spinning until an hour and a bit in, because as I got more and more into it I got to the point where it was spin or nothing.

So on with the shorts, t-shirt, heart monitor, shoes, well you get the idea. I did not have a good dinner, I splurged and had pizza so I went extra long on the time. I went for 50 minutes on the high side of 87RPM and a 153BPM (dammit, going up again) for this session. While the session was longer, I was feeling a little bit of pulling in the hip flexors. Not sure what that means, but I’m sure Dr. Spin will not be happy when he sees me at the end of February. Once I was finished on the bike I hit the ball for the usual 75 (which is getting easier and easier) and threw a 15 set of decline push-ups on the end of it (it would have been more, but it is late, I’m tired and my arms are still a bit mushy from yesterday).

Now the plan is to actually wake up and spin tomorrow because I’m meeting a buddy for a drink. That same plan is in effect for Friday morning because of a late Raptor game and then the weekend, well we’ll see what happens.

Also please take a look at the Ride for Heart meter at the bottom of the post, today was a good day. I can’t make my goal without your help though, tell your friends, family, the mailman or whomever else you can think of. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is a great organization and the diseases that they are trying to combat affect 1 in every 3 Canadians.

Have a good night folks,



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