GOOD MORNING CANADA (c’mon, yell it just like Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam, it will make you feel good)…
I understand the dawning sense most of you had been feeling when a gap occurred in the posting schedule so soon after getting started again. You were sitting there thinking ‘well I knew it would happen, he fell off the wagon (or over one and hurt himself)’. For Shame. Thinking such things will make a Bernie cry and feel bad inside. Banish thought like that from your head. For the explanation of the gap I will give you a recap of how much fun I had being sick. I started coming down with this ‘cold’ on Thursday evening and by Sunday I was under 2 blankets and a duvet freezing my mocha ass off. I hit the back half of the cold yesterday and figured that instead of stressing the body, I would rest up.
Fast forward this morning…
I woke up this morning, even earlier than my normal time and laid in bed thinking ‘well, if you’re already up, you might as well do something’. Up I hopped, put on the riding gear and had some quality time with the Spritz man. Oh, and for those of you keeping track, the spinner is back in full service after some pedal issues that were had last week. Now the session wasn’t the standard 45, but a 40 minute burner that had a heart rate that was down a bit from the highs last week. That’s a good sign that my body is getting back with the program (that and the 4 pounds I dropped in a week). I’m still waiting for my cadence computer from Braun’s and I have a feeling they will be getting an unpleasant email from me later today.
Keeping with the ‘engage more parts of the body’ theme that was started last week I also did a 50 of sit ups on the ball when I was done (boy, for a muscle group that has had it pretty easy for the last 34 years, my abs were bitching a lot last week after their workout). I am also back using Greens+ in the mornings and a combo of multi vitamins, calcium and vitamin B to try and get the bod back up to peak operating conditions.
Hope you have a great Tuesday…
Relaxing in the SnuggleMeJ-Man LOOK AT WHAT WE DID! I know that @savannahjessie and I…
So there has been a pretty healthy gap since my last post, did you miss…
It really feels like we’ve been in lockdown since the dawn of time, doesn’t it?…
So here I am… 9 days after EVLT and 45 trips around the sun. Can…
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