Categories: Exercise


Now before anyone panics, the blog title has absolutely nothing to do with me physically… sort of. I’m just starting to think that after all these consecutive postings my loyal fan base (ok, fans, supportive or merely curious may also serve to describe you) is going to come to expect postings every day. If they weren’t to get one they would be disappointed, which would make me feel bad which would lead to more blogging. I didn’t realize this would become a vicious cycle.

So here we are on a Thursday evening and I sat here wondering if I really wanted to hop on the bike or take a break. I decided to pack some boxes, do some laundry and make dinner instead. Sounds a lot like University around exam time. Suddenly cleaning your room and everything else you own becomes a priority and a way to procrastinate. Well I got finished the above exercises and decided that I really didn’t have a good reason not to take a spin with Spritz.

Here’s where it gets entertaining…OK, not really, but you be the judge.

65 minutes of sheer spinning bliss! Did you read that right, 65 minutes! It is only a 5 minute increase in overall time, but it’s the longest session ever (so far). I must say that popping in a movie and just hammering away at the peddles is oddly relaxing. Tonight it was Matt Damon in Green Zone. Wow, I really kept going because I didn’t want to lose the flow of this really excellent (yet very disturbing take on the Iraq war). Are you listening W? That’s George Bush for all you folks that don’t know. There were no WMDs and you bastards knew it.

Tomorrow is thankfully Friday and World Cup is in full swing. I will do my best to have at least 1 more session, but Saturday I will be at 220 drinking Vodka if anyone wants to brave G20 and the madness downtown. I have to defend the house in case the rioting comes north (hahaha).

See You,



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