Categories: Exercise

Ride for Heart

Well I’m pretty sure that I just passed Noah’s Ark… Mother Nature came through on the Ride for Heart with a Monsoon. It chucked rain for the whole ride and then as soon as Kris and I finished, nada. Sun and dry conditions, good for Gary and his race at 11am, not so good for us. When I got home it was hot shower and warm clothes time, not to mention 500mg of Naproxin (mmm… gotta love super drugs).

Originally I signed up for the 50KM ride, but due to the injury sustained on Wednesday involving the meniscus in my right knee, I had to shorten my ride to the 25KM. Sincere apologies to those that sponsored me, but it wasn’t possible to complete the longer distance, and as I sit here typing 25KM may have been a stretch. After no activities for a week (except the 1 light spin), the leg is complaining a bit.

I highly recommend the Ride for Heart to anyone with a bicycle. The folks at the Heart and Stroke Foundation have just about everything wired (traffic to the parking lot sucked a bit), but overall it was a very well run event. We showed up and had sausage, eggs, coffee and bagels then headed out on the ride. Taking your bike on the Gardiner and DVP is really a crazy feeling. What you don’t realize is the damn highway is uphill the whole way.

Once we finished, we valet parked our bikes in the Corporate/VIP areas respectively and enjoyed a healthy spinach salad with balsamic and your choice of Beef, Chicken or Tuna (Also assorted fruits, drinks and cookies). Before leaving Kris scoped out the primo way to end it all, FREE MASSAGES! They found knots in my hamstrings that I had no idea I had.

Back at 220 now, had a very hot shower to warm up (pretty sure it snowed at some point and I forgot my cycling gloves in the car… Genius) and taking the rest of the day very easy.

Taking the week off (no Softball), but I will try and get back on the bike every night.

See you then,



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