Categories: Exercise

Going and Going… You Get The Idea…

Wow, this exercise thing is BS.

So we are a day after ball and I am not feeling, good? No, that’s too harsh, 100%? Nope still not good enough, I’m just not feeling it? Let’s go with that, just not feeling it. There are times when the leg feels great and others where it feels unstable, my calf hurts and bending it is tough. I don’t think there is anything seriously wrong, but maybe a combination of smaller pain in the ass issues.

I got home tonight with the Rhode-meister and hung out, had dinner and watched Robin Williams as Peter Panning (aka Peter Pan) in the movie Hook. Got about half way through and decided that it was time to be productive. Built a virtual environment with a Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Server so that I could do some studying (to go along with the CCNA I’m working on and the Hyper-V text I need to read). Don’t you just love it when I break it down Geek style (just for the record its Geek, not Nerd. Nerd is offensive).

Then the guilt snuck in…

I didn’t have a good reason to do zero on a perfectly good Tuesday, so the Spritz and I had ourselves a small session. I went with no heart monitor and did it just for the exercise. A 30 minute session just to get the legs moving. It was actually pretty nice. I put on the RocknRolla on the TV put the head down and peddled.

Tomorrow is Blue Rams for 2 games,



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