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Getting Ready….

OK, this should be an interesting experiment. Here’s the background…
February 2008
I tipped the scales at a massive 384lbs. Well I’m 6’2″ that’s not horrible is it? Well not if you are an NFL lineman. No one can tell you to lose weight, it has to be a concious choice and a lifestyle change. I started working out at the Goodlife on the way to work and made sensible choices with regards to my diet (made lunches, stayed away from fast food and tried to keep the boozing to a minimum). I didn’t want to go too hardcore because as a 32 year old I didn’t want to spend my days eating lettuce.
August 2008
After working out I had dropped a whopping 60lbs. Pretty much lost an 8 year old. For the first time I had cold hands and my entire wardrobe was massive. I got lots of compliments and support from my friends and family and that’s what helped me keep going. This is where the trouble started… Torn ligaments in my right ankle started making it difficult to keep up the 4+ days a week gym schedule.
August 2009
The weight has been kept off for the most part, but I do fluctuate between 311 and 316 pounds day to day. That’s the disappointing part, I kept working out but wasn’t seeing results. Baseball 3 times a week and the gym just weren’t cutting it. Last week I purchased P90X to see if what they say is true… I want to drop another 75lbs and I’m going to blog about the experience. The reason is twofold, first to keep track of the changes and second and most important, to keep me honest. I should be starting in the next week, stick around for the ride.


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