
Cool Things

I am a serious creature of habit. Example, running at @CrossFitCanuck. I tend to always treat it like NASCAR. Left…

11 years ago

Looking Purty

Baz dressed up for some 'girly' stuff and not happy there was a picture... If there was ever a day…

11 years ago

With a Whimper and Not a Bang

The end goal... The adventure is something that will always be ongoing. If I stop ‘working’ (CrossFit, Cycling, Running, etc)…

11 years ago

Getting Forgetful

Shocked I finished... Holy sweet moly. Can you believe that with all the excitement that has been going on lately…

11 years ago

A Long Weekend Combo

Her First Week is in the BOOKS! I can’t even remember the last Saturday I got to WOD on. Oh,…

11 years ago

The Pinch Is Coming

So as I’ve been telling you for the last little while, Jillian is ready to crack the whip and I’m…

11 years ago

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