Weak wrists... Boo... Thursday (Feb 27) – It’s here. OMG (Oh my god for those who aren’t down with the…
Candied Meat Tuesday (Jan 20) – Well it’s been a big couple of days. Literally. First let’s start with the…
@DefconRX said Muscle-ups were a 'Buzzkill' and Baz was like, "whaaaa"? Tuesday (Jan 13) – Early wake up call! @SavannahJessie…
Found Coach Baz! Tuesday (Dec 30) – Ah Tuesday, rest day for most of the year but the middle of…
Tuesday (Dec 23) – As I sit here writing this post on Christmas morning (well, alright, Christmas early afternoon), let…
. @matt_5577 and I crossing another goal off the list... Saturday (Nov 30) – Flash back to early 2014. Tavia…
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